Age 18 – PIED: I went from physically unable to get erect enough for sex to being able to multiple times in one sitting!

I’ve watched porn since I was very young, I’m currently 18. I’ve always had extreme trouble with sex drive for real girls in real life, and PIED. I’ve been dating a girl for about 6-7 months now, and finally stopped watching it all together ( no peeks or anything ), and this last week I […]

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2 years porn free – A life without addiction is a life that is textured and full of colour. I ain’t ever going back.

You’ve all probably heard a million of these stories, but I thought I would share as I think I may have had some interesting experiences that might be informative or relatable to others. Also, there’s no one in real life I would open up to about all this so I might as well lay it […]

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I was a mess: fogged out, living like a loser, depressed, suicidal, negative, and socially anxious

Today makes day 90 for me. I remember posting on here on day 60 and receiving tremendous support. I have to say I’m a much better version of myself today than I was at day 1. I feel like this journey was as much about overcoming self doubt as overcoming pmo. There were nights I […]

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After 90 days my IBS is definitely not as bad as it use to be. Anxiety, depression, sadness and loneliness are all gone.

Today I have finally completed day 90 of NoFap. When I first started this “challenge” I had severe IBS, Anxiety, depression, sadness and loneliness. Had a pale face droopy eyes with bags under them, unmotivated and undetermined and not smart. After 90 days my IBS is DEFINITELY not as bad as it use to be. […]

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