Examining sexual motivation profiles and their correlates using latent profile analysis (2019)

COMMENTS: The write-up of this 2019 study leaves a lot to be desired. That said this figure #4 from the full paper reveals a lot: problematic porn use is strongly related to poorer scores on (1) harmonious sexual passion (HSP); (2) obsessive sexual passion (OSP); (3) sexual satisfaction (SEXSAT); (4) life ​satisfaction (LIFESAT). Simply put, […]

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No brain fog, High energy levels, High confidence, No more social anxiety, More happy in general & grateful, More attracted to females

I’m gonna tell you guys the benefits I gotten straightforwardly Productivity levels skyrocketed No brain fog means I can think clearly and fast High energy levels throughout the day High confidence, Strong eye contact No more social anxiety, I can talk to anyone Loud and clearer voice No more pimples I eat healthy and no […]

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Procreative well-being and pornography – analyzing the script. Public health implications revealed through an ethological lens (2019)

Mark H. Butler Marriage & Family Review Published online: 09 Apr 2019 https://doi.org/10.1080/01494929.2019.1588187 Abstract An ethological model of human procreative well-being is proposed and the goodness-of-fit of pornography’s script to that model is considered. Deducing an evolutionary template for procreative well-being from an ethological analysis links attachment dynamics to procreative success. Alongside parent–child attachment, pair-bond […]

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Age 26 – Exercising more, feeling more confident in social situations, forcing myself to do stuff I wouldn’t normally do. It’s been great!

Might be a bit of a small essay but I’d like to share with you my experience. I’m a 26 y.o m btw. I agree with the general consensus of not replacing your habit with this subreddit, but using it at the start for motivation and as a reminder of the benefits. My journey started […]

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University of Wisconsin student newspaper (The Racquet) posts false police report by Nicole Prause: Article removed by the university (March, 2019)

This page concerns an article published in the University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse student newspaper: The Racquet Investigates: Fight the New Drug. This March, 17th 2019 hit-piece, masquerading as investigative journalism, targeted Fight The New Drug. Inexplicably, it gratuitously contained a section about Gary Wilson, which featured a baseless April 25, 2018 Los Angeles police report filed […]

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