Internet porn: the highly addictive narcotic emasculating young men through erectile dysfunction. Urologist Paul Church, Maureen Newberg LCSW (2019)

Link to full article March 29, 2019, (LifeSiteNews) — Young men are being robbed of their ability to enter into natural sexual relationships with women as frequent pornogrpahy viewing rewires their brains, undermining their ability to perform sexually. In a sense, males in their teens through their 30s are being inoculated against sex, against intimacy, against […]

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Your Porn Session Could Be An Addiction & This Psychologist Explains How To Fix It. Luke Vu, PhD (2019)

Link to original article By Mike Huynh 5,517,000,000 hours of porn was consumed in 2018 alone…on one site. If you didn’t give a toss before you might need to now. Porn addiction is a growing issue amongst today’s men. At worst, it can ruin your relationships, your career and mess with your moral compass. It’s […]

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I have excelled in my professional career, developed better relationships with my family, friend, and women in my life.

Hey everyone, today is my longest streak to date. I have kept a orange sticky note in my wallet for the past 8 months and during that time I have added and crossed out 23 different dates. I have tried and FAILED to do nofap for 8 months. Some advice for everyone here, please find […]

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Brainfog = gone, Shitty mood = gone, Discipline = acquired, Sex life = reclaimed and intense again

Hi guys, I’m just after two months after re-starting NoFap and its great! I will keep it short: Brainfog = gone, Shitty mood = gone, Discipline = acquired, Time = plenty now that i don’t scroll for a perfect one, Sex life = reclaimed and intense again, Books = over 10 read in two months, […]

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Pornography and Rapes: Evidence from Major YouTube Outage (2019)

Gibbons, M. Amelia, and Martín A. Rossi. LINK TO PDF OF FULL STUDY ABSTRACT The increase in accessibility to pornographic material raised an important debate on whether there is a connection between pornography and rapes. We exploit an unusual natural experiment that provides a source of exogenous variation to pornographic viewing. On Tuesday October 16th, […]

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