The true toll of porn: Girls who hate their bodies and young men who can’t perform in relationships – by a GP who’s seen the harm it does to teens (Daily Mail)

A doctor  reveals how girls as young as 15 have come to her about removing hair She says that teenagers don’t know how to refuse sexual advances from partners One male, 23, was unable to perform sexually after watching too much porn  Around 1.4mil children in the UK visited a pornographic website in just 1 […]

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Pornography Induced Erectile Dysfunction Among Young Men (2019)

Comments: Paper investigates a number of young men who healed chronic sexual dysfunction by eliminating porn use. Introduction to the results section: Having processed the data, I have noticed certain patterns and recurring themes, following a chronological narrative in all of the interviews. These are: Introduction. One is first introduced to pornography, usually before puberty. […]

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