Been making some fantastic progress on my healing journey. PIED completely cured and the sex is very enjoyable

So I’ve been on a “streak” of about 40 days. I really don’t like the fascination with the “streaks” because I found the healing process has started the day I decided that I had problem, and wouldn’t continue PMOing 3 times a day, which was about 1.5 years ago now. In recent months, my PMO […]

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Consumption of sexually explicit internet material and its effects on minors’ health: latest evidence from the literature (2019)

Minerva Pediatr. 2019 Feb 13. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4946.19.05367-2. Principi N1, Magnoni P1, Grimoldi L1, Carnevali D1, Cavazzana L1, Pellai A2. Abstract BACKGROUND: Nowadays adolescents and children are more and more exposed to sexually explicit internet material (SEIM), but most parents and healthcare professionals neglect this issue. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the […]

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I thought porn was necessary for monogamy, but I was having only one kind of sexual experience; the variety was an illusion

I used to think porn was necessary for monogamy, for me to faithfully do it anyway. I couldn’t imagine how I wouldn’t get bored. But then, I quit porn after realizing that perhaps constantly exposing to myself to this “variety” of women and sex acts was perhaps creating desires for variation that I would not […]

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Theoretical Assumptions on Pornography Problems Due to Moral Incongruence and Mechanisms of Addictive or Compulsive Use of Pornography: Are the Two “Conditions” as Theoretically Distinct as Suggested? (Analysis of the Grubbs moral incongruence model)

Archives of Sexual Behavior February 2019, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 417–423 | Matthias Brand, Stephanie Antons, Elisa Wegmann, Marc N. Potenza This comment refers to the article available at Introduction The Target Article by Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, and Reid (2018) addresses an important and timely topic regarding problems that individuals may experience related to pornography use. Grubbs et […]

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Hitting the Target: Considerations for Differential Diagnosis When Treating Individuals for Problematic Use of Pornography (2018). (Analysis of the Grubbs moral incongruence model)

Archives of Sexual Behavior February 2019, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 431–435 | Shane W. Kraus, Patricia J. Sweeney This comment refers to the article available at Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, and Reid (2018a) proposed a model for understanding individuals’ problems with pornography due to moral incongruence (PPMI). Specifically, they posit that some pornography users experience psychological distress and […]

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Stuck in the Porn Box (2018). (Analysis of the Grubbs moral incongruence model) Archives of Sexual Behavior February 2019, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 449–453 | Brian J. Willoughby This comment refers to the article available at While the viewing of sexually explicit content is by no means a new phenomenon, the digital age and availability of online pornography has led to a surge in scholarship seeking to understand […]

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Dysregulated Pornography Use and the Possibility of a Unipathway Approach (2018). (Analysis of the Grubbs moral incongruence model)

Archives of Sexual Behavior February 2019, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 455–460 | Paul J. Wright This comment refers to the article available at In this Commentary, after providing a brief overview of my background and research interests in relation to the topics covered by Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, and Reid’s (2018) Pornography Problems Due to Moral […]

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