Day 123. Nuclear balls.

So, I’m on Day 123. Had a handful of 30 – 40 day streaks before then this year. 2018 has largely been a wanking free zone for me tbh. Scottish Monk Mode: No Alcohol No Sex No Porn No wanking No O No Sugar since February No smoking No Caffeine Fighting and swearing allowed. Next, […]

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Age 20 – Porn killed my manliness. (why you should quit as soon as possible)

Yeah, I watch too much porn… but my dick works perfectly. When I discovered Nofap (5 years ago), I kinda knew there was something wrong with my porn and masturbation habit. Apathy, lack of confidence, anxiety, inability to attract girls, unmotivated and tired all the fucking time. I was happy to have discovered possible cause […]

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Found an amazing girl!

So, I met this lovely girl in my class who was really lovely, and we went out on dates for about a month. It was great to get to know her, we have so much in common and she’s just amazing! Anyway, we went on a romantic walk earlier this week, when I took her […]

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90 Days – Improved body image, No mood swings, High self-esteem and confidence, Greatly enhanced productivity and laser focus, Better digestion

Physical Increased strength and stamina Improved skin, hair and nails Stronger immune system Better digestion Deeper sleep. Lucid dreams occur almost every night Abundance of energy. Greatly enhanced productivity and laser focus. Brain fog is gone and there is almost no procrastination. I am able to enter the state of deep work and flow regularly […]

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