Age 19 – Greater dedication. Greater charisma and enthusiasm for life. Eye contact is great. Even when I’m at my lowest, I still feel like a champion.

What’s up guys! Got on this morning like normal and realized I’m on my 60th day!! by the end of today, if I don’t relapse of course (1 day at a time), I’ll have hit two months not just without porn (Been a little over two months without that) but no masturbating! Literally never thought […]

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The dark side of internet: Preliminary evidence for the associations of dark personality traits with specific online activities and problematic internet use (2018)

Study finds that “online sexual use” is related to dark personality traits (machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, sadism, and spitefulness). Question: how would these traits differ after an extended period of time without porn & gaming? J Behav Addict. 2018 Nov 14:1-11. doi: 10.1556/2006.7.2018.109. Kircaburun K1, Griffiths MD2. Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Research has shown that personality […]

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I can’t help but notice that most insecurities I had earlier are gone. I feel like I’ve had a huge pile of self confidence dumped on me.

I am on my 38 days nofap streak, and I can’t help but notice that most insecurities I had earlier are gone. I just don’t give a damn about how people perceive me when I talk to them, specially girls. I find myself in situations where I am flirting/hitting on girls and being flirted/hit on […]

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