Age 27 – After 8 years of trying, I’ve hit 30 days for the first time ever. This is what I’ve done differently this time.

I’m 27. I’ve been trying nofap since I was 20. Never made it past 25 days and even that was an ALMIGHTY struggle. I have failed in every single way possible. I have failed in spectacular, often depressing, manners. And I believe I have it cracked. I have hit 30 days and I’ve now, somehow, […]

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Married – My life has really changed in the last three months; My overall health has improved several fold

My life has really changed in the last three months! Since I started the NoFap journey, I have… been working out 1.5 hours every day (in average) been taking cold showers every day boosted my sex life with my wife gotten better sleep strengthened my discipline achieved many programming goals become a happier person Challenges […]

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What It’s Like for an Addict to Quit Using Porn? An Interview with Noah Church (Part 2)

[Part 1 “What It’s Like to Be a Porn Addict?” ] Noah Church is a well-known speaker on issues related to porn addiction and the author of Wack: Addicted to Internet Porn, an educational look at how internet porn affects its users. Additionally, he has created the website, Addicted to Internet Porn. On that site, […]

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Age 22 – I have dealt with PIED on and off, and I know from experience that it CAN go away if porn is cut from your life. It worked for me.

I am 22 years old, and ever since I was maybe 16, this group has been a guide for me, educating me on the physical and neurological effects of internet porn, and making me feel less alone. (Everyone knows alcoholics aren’t anti-alcohol, but our culture isn’t really ready to talk about living porn-free without it […]

Read More… from Age 22 – I have dealt with PIED on and off, and I know from experience that it CAN go away if porn is cut from your life. It worked for me.