Age 34 – 1 year: My wife and I are now closer than we’ve ever been in the 11 years of marriage we’ve shared together.

Today marks one year since I became porn free! I want to thank everyone here for making r/pornfree the place that it is. I never dreamed an online community could proved the affirmation, support, help, and guidance that this place does. I don’t post all that often, but I do check in quite a bit […]

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Debunking Kris Taylor’s “A Few Hard Truths about Porn and Erectile Dysfunction”

Introduction I was surprised and somewhat baffled by grad student Kris Taylor’s recent VICE article on porn use and sexual dysfunctions. In his article Taylor not only misrepresented the content of a 2016 review of literature I co-authored with 7 US navy doctors, he chose to omit over 40 studies linking porn use to sexual […]

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Age 28 – There was a turning point in which I can now consciously feel that I have control over PMO

The reason I started this journey was because I considered myself a slave/addict of Porn and masturbation. It was not an unhealthy or extreme habit in my personal opinion, I would probably do about 2 to 4 Porn and masturbation cycles over a week. The real problem was that I would be really self-conscious of […]

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Your Brain on Porn Book (2nd edition)

Grudging tribute from the porn/sex industry: Wilson’s book has been an unbeatable Amazon bestseller in the “pornography studies” category since publication. ~ Gustavo Turner, XBIZ: The Industry Source (2021) Praise from Nordic Model Now: Isn’t it better for women and children if men kick their porn habit? And if that takes understanding the addictive neurological, […]

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Sexual brain training

Why Shouldn’t Johnny Watch Porn If He Likes? (2011)

Sexual brain training matters—especially during adolescence (Note: View numerous comments below this article) It’s normal for kids to want to learn all about sex, especially during puberty and adolescence. This is when reproduction becomes the brain’s top priority. For this we can thank the specifics of teen-brain development. Think of an adolescent jungle primate watching […]

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