Age 30 – Far less anxious than before. Can talk with girls without fear. Have more focus and more importantly more joy for life.

Good day everyone, arrived in 100 days I want to share with you some improvements that I noticed in this period. First I want to say that I am much, much less anxious than before. Guys do not know how much difference I see compared to before. I can talk with girls quietly without fear […]

Read More… from Age 30 – Far less anxious than before. Can talk with girls without fear. Have more focus and more importantly more joy for life.

Age 18 – Greater sense of Happiness, Greater concentration, Sense of purpose in life, Greater feelings of love

Hello everyone all of you amazing inspiring people of NoFap, I would like to share today that I have officially “rebooted” today at 90 days of Hardmode no PMO. I would like to start off by saying that I like anyone else got into this addiction through the wonders of the internet and was consumed […]

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Age 19 – I’ve suffered ED for as long as I’ve been sexually active: first orgasm with a partner

I’ve suffered ED for as long as I’ve been getting sexually involved with women. Yesterday I was in bed with a girl I’ve been seeing (she knows about my problem and about NoFap) and everything worked exactly how it was meant to. Feeling pretty on top of the world right now! To all my ED […]

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Studies reporting findings consistent with escalation of porn use (tolerance), habituation to porn, and withdrawal symptoms

Introduction Compulsive porn users often describe escalation in their porn use that takes the form of greater time viewing or seeking out new genres of porn. New genres that induce shock, surprise, violation of expectations or even anxiety can function to increase sexual arousal, and in porn users whose response to stimuli is growing blunted […]

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Age 27 – Brain fog GONE. Social anxiety decreased. Greater frequency of morning erections.

Considering a majority of the first 30 days was a flatline for me it was relatively easy. The real challenge comes when your urges and sexual function return and you have to resist the temptations. I’m not going to lie it hasn’t been an easy route since the urges have returned. A few instances of […]

Read More… from Age 27 – Brain fog GONE. Social anxiety decreased. Greater frequency of morning erections.