
Research Suggests the Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, Reid Review is Disingenuous (“Pornography Problems Due to Moral Incongruence: An Integrative Model with a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”, 2018)

The authors of this so-called review would have readers believe that self-identification as a porn addict is a function of religious shame/moral disapproval about porn. They only reviewed a small number of studies, which rely on the CPUI-9, an instrument developed by co-author Grubbs that produces skewed findings. The co-authors carefully omitted or misrepresented opposing […]

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Age 34 – I am able to live and love with my whole self. For me there is no greater thing than that, because now I can share it.

My name is andreas and I am 34 years old. I started watching porn as 9 year old and you know, you can really get lost in that shit. As it does things to your sexuality and personality. And from really hurts the people you love around you. About me… Well, I am a borderliner, […]

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Age 25 – 200 days: PIED almost cured. More self-confident, energetic & polite. I feel more attractive. My speech is more clear and confident

Hi there!! My name is Salim 25 y.o. My story begins in the far 2006 when I was a lil kid. I can divide my story into the three short parts. Here we go. When I was a kid i was introduced into the pmo. I was fapping during 4 years about 4-3 times per […]

Read More… from Age 25 – 200 days: PIED almost cured. More self-confident, energetic & polite. I feel more attractive. My speech is more clear and confident

Age 28 – I feel different. I am much calmer, I make better choices, I can look into people eyes, I can argue with my boss at work

I am nearly 28 and I am from Poland. Beautiful country by the way. Sorry for mistakes in my writing, which could occur in my present post. And probably in the followings I am here because I want to change my life. I have been visiting this forum for a long time. With some breaks […]

Read More… from Age 28 – I feel different. I am much calmer, I make better choices, I can look into people eyes, I can argue with my boss at work

Age 27 – Greater Mental clarity, No more brain fog, Enjoy the real-life interactions than before, Confidence and self esteem increased

I started my journey to the fantasy world of porn in 2008, when I was 17. Before that I was never exposed to such material until we bought our first PC in the end of 2007. That time our internet was very slow. I only visited sites with photos. For the first one year I […]

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Age 21 – High Confidence, High Motivation, Less social anxiety, Increase sensitivity, Clarity of mind, Reduce depression, High self control

I am 21 years old. So I completed 180 days On hardmode challenge. I faced a lot of ups and down in this journey. So here is some benefits which I feel right now. ■High Confidence ■High Motivation ■Brighter eyes ■Thick hair ■Less social anxiety ■Better Stamina ■Glowing Skin ■Increase sensitivity ■Clarity of mind ■Better […]

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Religious People Use Less Porn and Are No More Likely to Believe They Are Addicted

Have you heard these claims a lot recently? Or perhaps even believed they are true? Religious populations have higher rates of porn use than their secular brethren, and lie about it. Religious porn users are not really addicted to porn; they only believe they are addicted because they are ashamed. Believing in porn addiction is […]

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Propagandists misrepresent peer-reviewed papers and ICD-11 search features to fuel false claim that WHO’s ICD-11 “rejected porn addiction and sex addiction”

The deniers of porn addiction are agitated because the latest version of the World Health Organization’s medical diagnostic manual, The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), contains a new diagnosis suitable for diagnosing both porn addiction and sex addiction. It’s called “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.” For a responsible article, quoting WHO’s official spokesperson, Christian Lindmeier, the […]

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