
Age 25 – More stamina, charisma and emotional stability

I’m 25. Male. Definite increase in female attraction, increase in overall charisma, more emotional stability. Negative states are less intense and don’t last as long. More stamina and strength. I have candida (systemic yeast infection) and so the benefits tend disappear occasionally and be replaced with candida symptoms. I started NoFap because I hate porn […]

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Age 24 – Four years of struggling: Mood skyhigh and erectile dysfunction absolutely gone

Just wanted to post here that [I] had sex 3 days ago and rock-hard erections, no loss of hardness at all. After-effect of sex, mental symptoms are not that bad anymore. Withdrawals are gone, and everything feels amazing. All I can say is this process works. Hang in there. Thank you to all those who […]

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Age 28 – More confident than I’ve ever been, Had much more success with women, More willing & able to connect with people

Day 90: Well here it is, never thought it would have happened but here we are…the final day of my reboot! I don’t think there’s much to say that I haven’t said over the course of the last three months, although it feels like it’s worth taking stock of some of the changes that have […]

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Studies demonstrating porn use or internet use “causing” negative effects or neurological changes

Is pornography use causing harm? COMMENTS: When confronted with hundreds of studies linking porn use to negative outcomes, a common tactic by pro-porn PhDs is to claim that “no causation has been demonstrated.” The reality is that when it comes to psychological and (many) medical studies, very little research reveals causation directly. For example, all […]

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Sticking to the Content: A Response to the Prause & Pfaus letter “Red Herring: Hook, Line, and Stinker” (by Gabe Deem)

I am certainly not alone in my grave concerns about the Nicole Prause & Jim Pfaus ED paper (P&P). Recently, Sexual Medicine Open Access published a Letter to the Editor by Richard A. Isenberg MD, which made many of the same observations as did my critique. As is customary when a letter critical of a […]

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Is Addiction a Brain Disease? (2017) Kent Berridge response to Marc Lewis

Neuroethics. 2017 Apr; 10(1): 29–33. Published online 2016 Nov 7. doi:  10.1007/s12152-016-9286-3 PMCID: PMC5503469 NIHMSID: NIHMS840286 PMID: 28706571 Abstract Where does normal brain or psychological function end, and pathology begin? The line can be hard to discern, making disease sometimes a tricky word. In addiction, normal ‘wanting’ processes become distorted and excessive, according to the […]

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Analysis of “Sexual Desire, Not Hypersexuality, Is Related To Neurophysiological Responses Elicited by Sexual Images” (Steele et al., 2013)

THE REALLY SHORT VERSION: Some years ago, David Ley and study spokesperson Nicole Prause teamed up to write a Psychology Today blog post about Steele et al., 2013 called “Your Brain on Porn – It’s NOT Addictive“. The blog post appeared 5 months before Prause’s EEG study was formally published. Its oh-so-catchy title is misleading […]

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Age 26 – Greater confidence, Less social anxiety, I had depression & panic attacks. I’m still taking meds but now I’m happier than ever.

M27YO – Before this I was with depression and panic attacks. I’m still taking my meds but now I’m happier than ever 🙂 *Confidence / less social anxiety. It’s easier for me to just go talk to a girl and take my chances. I prefer “no” as the answer than not asking at all. At […]

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