Porn Addiction Is Not Sex Addiction–And Why It Matters (2011)

Video by Gabe Deem –Porn Addiction Is NOT Sex Addiction: SASH Conference, 2015 UPDATE (2018): Study finds differences between porn use and other forms of problematic sexual behavior, and researchers wonder if internet porn use should be categorized separately from hypersexuality (“sex addiction”): One issue is whether problematic pornography use may be considered a subcategory […]

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Age 29 – Right now, I feel more confident and relaxed than I have ever felt in the last 15 years.

Today is my 45th straight day without PMO! While I can’t say that getting to 45 days has eliminated all of the problems in my life (Spoiler Alert for those of you just getting started: Ditching porn and masturbation will NOT get rid of every issue that you are dealing with…), I can definitively say […]

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Age 40 – No stress, Clear headed, Overall sense of well being, People gather around me at work (a lot), More confident & easy going

Much deeper voice Clear headed People gather and sit around me at work (a lot) Better, more restful sleep Energy to work on projects after getting off work Cleaning up and organizing more No stress More Confident and easy going I quit coffee Cold showers for past 53 days Gym for past 35 days Seems […]

Read More… from Age 40 – No stress, Clear headed, Overall sense of well being, People gather around me at work (a lot), More confident & easy going


Age 17 – I got a Girlfriend & lost my Virginity, Better relationships with my friends, I started enjoying the little things in life again.

Best 3 months of my Life. I started this whole nofap Thing because i wanted do get rid of my acne, it helped but it’s not completely cleared. I lost the interest in Video Games and Netflix. I started running and look more on my health and so on. I got a Girlfriend and lost […]

Read More… from Age 17 – I got a Girlfriend & lost my Virginity, Better relationships with my friends, I started enjoying the little things in life again.

Age 24 – Music sounds amazing, my appreciation for life and humanity has skyrocketed

I’m 24 years old, discovered nofap at 21, on/off since, and porn/masturbation at 13 (God damn I feel bad for future generations who have easy access to this leech on our masculinity). I suffered with anxiety, depression and overall low self esteem and my addictive personality made sure I abused anything pleasurable (food, drugs, alcohol, […]

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Age 22 – More sociable, Finding other activities more pleasurable, More reliable sex-drive/erections, A sense of empowerment

For me, it was all about porn and mass consumption, novelty (and looong edging sessions). At first, I was trying to go without porn in say 2013 up to the end of that year. Didn’t go about it in a great way but I think I remember managing streaks a little over two weeks a […]

Read More… from Age 22 – More sociable, Finding other activities more pleasurable, More reliable sex-drive/erections, A sense of empowerment


World Health Organization’s ICD-11: Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder

This page describes the process which saw Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder accepted by the World Health Organization in ICD-11. See bottom of page for papers debating the classification of CSBD. Porn Addicts Are Diagnosable Using the WHO’s Diagnostic Manual (ICD-11) As you may have heard, in 2013 the editors of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual […]

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