
Experts who recognize porn-induced sexual dysfunctions – along with relevant studies

UPDATE: If your healthcare provider wants continuing education credits that address porn-induced sexual dysfunctions, they may want to look into this course (not affiliated with this website). In the UK, consider this course. ~~~ This page contains two lists: (1) studies linking porn use or porn/sex addiction to sexual problems and lower arousal, (2) articles, […]

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Feeling anxious, troubled relationships, procrastination, inability to plan for my future & meet the challenges of life: I had porn to thank for all of that.

It hasn’t been an exceedingly tough year, but, I suppose it’s been sort of tough. Just normal life stuff, added to the fact I’m at the point in my life where I have to start making big decisions for my future, and that can be really scary and hard. Oh, not to mention nearly a […]

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Age 24 – Social anxiety decreased dramatically. More confident. My mood is much better. I have much more empathy now

Hi everyone! This is my first post on Reddit. I’m a 24yo italian guy and I struggled with P related problems since teenage years. I started watching P at the age of 11, from the first time I had high-speed internet connection. From 14 to 20 I only suffered of mild social anxiety problems of […]

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Age 16 – More confidence, Greater wit & ease with conversation, Increased focus, Became the captain of the basketball team

Believe me when I say this is a very small price to pay. Keep your urges at bay remember edging is betray and enjoy the superpower buffet. A little bit of background: I am 16 year old and have been MO and sometimes PMOing since the Christmas of 2014. I started NoFap six or so […]

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Dismantling the “group position” paper opposing porn and sex addiction (November, 2017)

Introduction In early November, 2017 three non-profit kink organizations (Center for Positive Sexuality, National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, and The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance) released a group position paper “opposing the addiction model in relation to frequent sexual behavior and pornography viewing.” The groups’ press release, Position statement opposing sex/porn addiction model, explained their […]

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How to recognize biased articles: They cite Prause et al., 2015 (falsely claiming it debunks porn addiction), while omitting over 50 neurological studies supporting porn addiction

Introduction A number of articles and interviews have attempted to push-back at the TIME article (“Porn and the Threat to Virility”) and the Utah resolution declaring internet porn a public health problem. What might be a few “dead giveaways” that such an article is nothing more than a propaganda piece? Psychologists David Ley and/or Nicole […]

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Study invalidates the CPUI-9 as an instrument to assess either “perceived pornography addiction” or actual pornography addiction

SECTION 1: Introduction A new study (Fernandez et al., 2017) tested and analyzed the CPUI-9, a purported “perceived pornography addiction” questionnaire developed by Joshua Grubbs, and found that it couldn’t accurately assess “actual porn addiction” or “perceived porn addiction” (Do Cyber Pornography Use Inventory-9 Scores Reflect Actual Compulsivity in Internet Pornography Use? Exploring the Role […]

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