Escaping the porn epidemic

Escaping the porn epidemic – Funny, short animation on AV (age verification)

Escaping the porn epidemic tells you a lot about porn in 2 minutes. Give it a try! The video is now available in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Spanish La pornografía en Internet es gratis, pero los niños pagan el precio Brazilian Portuguese A pornografia na Internet é gratuita, mas as crianças estão pagando o preço […]

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Happy couple smiling

No more sexless marriage

No more sexless marriage: Sorry this may trigger a little but it’s a positive success story so aiming for it to encourage others! It’s not quite click bait with the word obsessed but my gosh. I am nearing day 14. I got my days wrong and I have gone longer – I included all masturbation […]

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Logo for Journal of behavioral addictions

Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-use Disorders (ACSID-11): Introduction of a new screening instrument capturing ICD-11 criteria for gaming disorder and other potential Internet-use disorders (2022)

YBOP COMMENT: Researchers created and tested a new assessment tool, based on the World Health Organization’s ICD-11 Gaming Disorder criteria. It’s designed to assess several specific Internet-use Disorders (online behavioral addictions) including “porn-use disorder.” The researchers, who included one of the world’s leading experts on compulsive sexual behavior/porn addiction Matthias Brand, suggested several times that “porn-use […]

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