Improvement in libido

Age-37: Improvement in libido

YBOP Comment: This guy had plenty of real sexual experience which may explain why after two weeks no porn he was already seeing improvement in libido and porn-induced ED. I was browsing the pegym site and stumbled to this term PIED. I googled it and realized i have some sort of pied going on. Libido […]

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Men: Does Frequent Ejaculation Cause A Hangover? (2012)

What happens when you ejaculate too much?  Scientists are discovering a neurochemical “hangover” after sexual satiety, which if overridden by more ejaculation, adversely affects mood and the ability to cope with stimulants. First we’ll look at the science; then we’ll consider what it might mean for those masturbating more frequently than they would have without […]

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Neuroscience of Porn Addiction

Dr. Mateusz Gola on the Neuroscience of Porn Addiction (Podcast)

Lily was so grateful to chat with Dr. Mateusz Gola, leading expert on the neuroscience of porn addiction and problematic pornography use. Lily was able to ask some burning questions, correct her previous misunderstandings of the research, and have some laughs!    The Questioning Pornography Podcast seeks to promote thoughtful and critical conversation on porn’s […]

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Success Story: One Month Pornfree – Sexual Desire, Discipline, Morning Wood, PIED, Ambition have all improved

This is the longest I’ve gone without PMO in 10 years. That’s crazy to me, and if I could go back in time and tell my young self to stop I would. Porn is way to readily available for kids these days. Day 1-7 -I experienced some small urges. -The shame slightly lifted. -For the […]

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