The best sex I’ve ever had. For the first time in my life it felt like a personal connection.

Hey guys, pretty short post here. Went through the flatline pretty hard from around days 15-35. After The flatline ended I hit the dating seen hard, went on a couple dates and ended up meeting a girl I really like. One thing led to another after a couple of dates and we had sex. Legitimately […]

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The Pornography “Rebooting” Experience: A Qualitative Analysis of Abstinence Journals on an Online Pornography Abstinence Forum (2021)

Comment: Excellent paper analyzes more than 100 rebooting experiences and highlights what people are undergoing on recovery forums. Contradicts much of the propaganda about recovery forums (such as the nonsense that they’re all religious, or strict semen-retention extremists, etc.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Arch Sex Behav . 2021 Jan 5. David P Fernandez  1 , Daria J Kuss  2 […]

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Age 20 – More energy, Willpower is stronger, Have more motivation, I don’t give up when something becomes difficult, No more social anxiety

PS: sry for my English So my day counter is showing 140 days but I don’t care because I feel that I am cured and I will never go back though this trash industry. It has been a long road, around 7 months to get out of it. I did streaks of 47,23,6,3 and now […]

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Age 40 – Relationship with my wife has improved significantly. My ED is healing. More peaceful, less anxious.

I have just posted this in my journal [link no  longer active], but I thought you’d like to hear about the effects I’ve noticed after the first 40 days. This feels like a real milestone. I’ve successfully given up PM now for about six weeks, and it’s making a real, measurable difference. My relationship with […]

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questioning pornography podcast

Can Age Verification help kids who stumble on porn outside of commercial pornography sites? (podcast)

  Episode Description A few weeks ago, I had a dear friend express to me how grateful he was for the Canadian government’s efforts towards Age Verification for online pornography, as he himself had a very traumatic childhood experience of pornography popping up while he was on a gaming platform. With a sinking feeling, I […]

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From loser to a book-writing, girl attracting, fearless hustler, who works 3 jobs easily without getting stressed

Hello ladies and gentlemen, as I said earlier I will take my time to write a long post for everyone. THANKS! For the people that helped me overcome this obstacle. For the people that liked my content and encouraged me to not give up when times are the toughest. For everyone that wrote a success […]

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