Porn addiction is similar to addiction to cocaine, gambling and alcohol, neuroscientist says

Porn addiction impairs the function of the brain’s dopaminergic reward system, similar to Cocaine, Alcohol and Gambling addiction. However, the good news is this can be reversed thanks to neuroplasticity.  In the above video, neuroscientist and addiction expert Mateusz Gola expounds on some similarities and differences porn addiction has with other addictions. […]

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questioning pornography podcast

Research Highlight: Porn Consumption & Extramarital Sex Attitudes (podcast)

In this episode Lily highlights a longitudinal study which finds that pornography consumption can lead to more positive attitudes towards extramarital sex (ie. being married and thinking it’s okay to have sex with someone other than your spouse). This longitudinal study explicitly tests whether the causal direction runs from porn consumption –> the attitudes or […]

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Age 18 – Became more confident around girls, No more fatigue, Social anxiety decreased, Huge psychological development

Greetings, I’m in my early 18. So, just after I got into college and made some new female friends, my habit of masturbation began to decline. Last year, from August, I completely stopped masturbating after I fell into love with some girl. Even though we broke up in November but I didn’t get my old […]

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