questioning pornography podcast

How Quitting Porn Improved my Relationships and View of Women – Alexander (podcast)

LISTEN HERE   Podcast description: I’m delighted to share this conversation with my friend Alexander, the person who caused this podcast to come into existence. Alexander speaks to how pornography affected his mentality towards women and relationships, and how he noticed radical and “beautiful” improvements since quitting pornography and masturbation. The Questioning Pornography Podcast seeks […]

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Age 17 – Greater confidence, Talking easier to girls and strangers, More energy & motivation, I started to love socialising

I made it.. 3 long months… And I’m continuing!!! I am disgusted from porn now and I resist the urges that hit me. Urge after urge.. I resisted them.. A total of 3/4 wet dreams during this streak (can’t remember need to check my journal). They didn’t affect me at all and I went on […]

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questioning pornography podcast

Francesca Palazzolo: Addiction Counsellor & Author of Pornography Research (podcast)

LISTEN HERE Francesca Palazzolo is the author of a study I highlighted in a previous research episode, which explores the various negative effects that problematic users of internet pornography can experience. She is also an addiction counsellor and psychotherapist who has front-lines experience working with clients who struggle with porn addiction. In our conversation, we […]

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Czech Republic Youth and Porn Use: Statistics and Solutions – Jeronym Krištof (video)

This is a video presentation that was given recently at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation Summit by Jeronym, a 19-year-old activist from the Czech Republic. For his final high school theses, he decided to write on the negative effects pornography has on adolescents and society. As part of this project, Jeronym conducted an extensive […]

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No social anxiety. More attention from opposite gender. No brain fog. Increased motivation & stamina. Improved Confidence

Hey all, finally got 40 Days in !!! Woo–hoo !!! You can too — anyone can !!!!!!! Some of the benefits: 1. No social anxiety; 99% of time relaxed, calm, cool; easier to be sociable. If I do start to get nervous I think, “What do I have to be fearful about?” And calm down […]

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Age 20 – ED – A year ago I was struggling with PIED and porn addiction. No longer struggle.

I don’t mean to seem selfish by bragging about my story. I feel it’s obligatory though because being in the process of fighting PIED and porn addiction was so full of misery that I promised to myself, once I’m out of it, I must at least try to help others. I hope sharing my story […]

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