12 years of nasty fetishes and even with Viagra I felt nothing – Now, many wonderful feelings inside her

I am one of the mildly extreme cases. So here it is. I was acquainted with masturbation and porn when I was around 11-12 years old. It quickly became one of my biggest joys in life. How could it not be when a 12 year old boy discovering the meaning of life and it is […]

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Age 45, married – PIED was the catalyst for me to quit…twice. Porn was inflating my “libido”

My situation: 45,M, happily married. I don’t know if I was as addicted as some of y’all but I was an almost everyday user/abuser. I never paid a dime for porn, I was able to satiate my appetite with the free stuff. Why would a happily married man go down that rabbit hole? Well, my […]

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Since I stopped…

I stopped staying awake till 6am. I stopped staying in my little apartment for days on end. I stopped slacking on important work. I stopped smoking cigarettes. (Used to like to smoke while PMO). I stopped being the guy with no opinion. I stopped following fake instagram accounts. I stopped looking for artificial beauty. I […]

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Social Anxiety, Pornography Use, and Loneliness: A Mediation Analysis (2021)

COMMENTS: Study reports that porn use correlates with both social anxiety and loneliness. Subjects weren’t basement dwelling INCELS. 70% were married or had a life partner. Average age was 37. Relevant results: “Bivariate correlations were also conducted to answer the third research question: What is the relationship between social anxiety and pornography use? The third […]

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