Age 27 – I feel more in control of my masturbation habits when porn is absent

Latest Update: Masturbation WITH vs WITHOUT Porn So I’ve (27M) been a porn addict since I was 12. Fortunately, this past year I’ve been able to drastically reduce my consumption of porn (websites, TikTok, Instagram, etc) but I still indulged in it from time to time (maybe twice a month). Currently, I’m around 1 month […]

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DE and PIED cured. Change your default to sex and away from masturbation

Where the focus should be is in the process, in the rewiring part, in changing your default mechanism to S and M without P. And to deal with problems in life with healthier solutions, like emotional intelligence, taking responsibility instead of always being a victim, developing new healthy habits, not being in toxic relationships or […]

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Cognitive Processes Related to Problematic Pornography Use (PPU): A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies (2021)

J. Castro-Calvo, V. Cervigón-Carrasco, R. Ballester-Arnal, C. Giménez-García, Addictive Behaviors Reports, 2021, 100345, ISSN 2352-8532, Comments: Really well written, and helpful in understanding many of the neuropsychological studies listed on YBOP’s brain studies page. This is a review of 21 porn studies assessing 4 neuro-psychological “processes” which are altered in drug and behavioral addictions: 1- […]

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