Smear campaign targeting and Gary Wilson examined in a peer-reviewed journal

YBOP and its late creator Gary Wilson have been long targeted with various deplatforming attempts and extensive defamation. A new journal article examines the 2019 “Mormon porn” smear campaign. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Since Gary Wilson first created Your Brain on Porn in 2010, it provided a refreshing evidence-based perspective on […]

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Pornography and sexism

Pornography, sexual orientation and ambivalent sexism in young adults in Spain

Excerpts: Large sample of 2,346 people aged 18–35 years old. Pornography, sexual orientation and ambivalent sexism in young adults in Spain (2024) Men who consumed pornography had higher median values of [Hostile Sexism] than those who did not. Mean values of [Benevolent Sexism] were observed to be lower for both women [β(95%CI):-2.16(-2.99;-1.32)] and men [β(95%CI):-4.30(-5.75;-2.86)] who […]

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J. of Nervous and Mental Disorders

Pornography Consumption and Cognitive-Affective Distress

Excerpts: These findings show that stress, anxiety, and depression are strongly related to pornography consumption and conflicting emotional experiences as well as identity problems significantly enhance vulnerability to addictive sexual behavior–related pornographic experiences…. Because of this process, it is possible that sensitized sexual arousal to Internet pornography may cause that sexual experience with a real […]

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Pornography Is Neither Harmless Nor Fantasy (by A. Volkov)

This 2020 article does a good job of breaking down some of the common myths sexologists use to prop up the porn industry. It’s worth a re-read. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Uncomfortable truths about the industry and how it intertwines with child abuse, sex trafficking, and exploitation This article covers the direct and indirect harm of pornography from […]

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Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence with Anna Lembke

Doctor Lembke’s Dopamine Nation has helped to inspired recovery in many who struggle with with problematic porn use. Stanford psychiatry professor Anna Lembke—New York Times bestselling author of Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence—decodes complex neuroscience into applicable strategies that explain why the relentless pursuit of pleasure can lead to pain. An […]

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