Exposure to Pornography Among Young Eritreans: An Exploratory Study (2021)

Significant finding: One-way ANOVA results reveal that there is a statistically significant difference in attitudes toward women between respondents that had viewed pornography during the previous year and respondents that had not. Specifically, respondents that had viewed pornography during the previous year held more negative, less egalitarian attitudes toward women. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Amahazion, Fikresus (2021). Journal […]

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Gary Wilson Wins Second Legal Victory Against Pro-Porn Sexologist Nicole Prause (January, 2021)

PRESS RELEASE: Gary Wilson (Your Brain on Porn) Wins Second Legal Victory Against Sexologist Nicole Prause Activist porn researcher owes penalty plus court costs after her defamation suit fails ASHLAND, OREGON: January 28, 2021: Best-selling author and public health advocate Gary Wilson has won another legal victory against sexologist and vocal porn-industry proponent Nicole Prause. […]

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Age 21 – Recovering from intrusive fetish, feeling butterflies about real people, got my laugh back, no more panic attacks

Hey so tomorrow is 70 days for me and I’m so so so proud of myself I am recovering from a very intrusive fetish and can officially say that I think about 85% less than I did before about it. I also get butterflies when I see people that I wouldn’t normally have been into […]

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Age 32, married – 8 months of CBT therapy, PIED better, Concerned for those unaware of the addiction risk

I’m doing this post because even though there are a lot of these reports, reading through all of them when I first started this journey gave me motivation, ideas, and knowledge of what I’d go through. I (32M) have finally hit 90 days of being porn free, after 5 years of trying, 2 years of […]

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“The relationship between pornography use and harmful sexual behaviours” (UK report)

[Study participants, males and females who work with those who exhibit harmful sexual behaviors towards women,] believed that increased ease of access to pornography, lots of which includes violence towards women, was problematic for many of their clients. … A number of Frontline Workers described how their clients had become desensitised to the sexual content […]

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