Age 21 – More frequent, stronger erections, more pleasure during sex, more power at the gym

I have successfully made it 90 days on NoFap Normal Mode. I’m currently 21 years of age, and this is the longest I have ever gone without jacking off since I discovered masturbation at the age of 11. Being constantly surrounded by technology since a young age, it did not take long before I stumbled […]

Read More… from Age 21 – More frequent, stronger erections, more pleasure during sex, more power at the gym

Age 26 – Suicidal and dead penis. Therapist said to cut out porn and daily masturbation. It’s working!

Porn free 32 days and counting. I also hadn’t masturbated until today. Table of contents Context Porn addiction timeline My wakeup call (my motivation that got me to quit porn) Steps I took What I’m learning on this never ending journey Context: After graduating from college in 2019, I decided I wanted to address issues […]

Read More… from Age 26 – Suicidal and dead penis. Therapist said to cut out porn and daily masturbation. It’s working!

Age 19 – Decreased social anxiety, Greater confidence, Increased focus, Deeper Voice

As the title says, I just finished my 90 days of no masturbation, no pornography, and no orgasms (except for wet dreams of course). This is gonna be a somewhat long post so I’ll split it into sections: BENEFITS Some benefits I experienced: – Deeper Voice – Less Anxiety + generally not caring about trivial […]

Read More… from Age 19 – Decreased social anxiety, Greater confidence, Increased focus, Deeper Voice

Compulsive Internet Pornography Use and Mental Health: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Sample of University Students in the United States (2021)

Front. Psychol., 12 January 2021 | Christina Camilleri, Justin T. Perry and Stephen Sammut* Abstract Background: The sustained rise in negative mental health reports among university students is a source of continued global concern, and investigation continues into potential contributors to this rise. This includes the increased prevalence of risky sexual behaviors. Related is […]

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Age 25 – People do not believe me when I tell them I had crippling depression and anxiety

I always used this community years ago (~2014-2016), and wanted to do this AMA to explain my life story, motivate others, and answer any questions. Stories like this gave me motivation back in the day. Here it goes. Throughout my childhood, I always played video games for hours on end after school and avoiding all […]

Read More… from Age 25 – People do not believe me when I tell them I had crippling depression and anxiety