ED cured after 8 months of no porn/orgasm, better song-writing too!

Because of Nofap I have experienced the following: Physiological benefits experienced ED cured after 8 months of no porn/orgasm Deeper voice Athlete’s foot (normally takes a special cream to make it go away) cured without needing treatment Reaction to food and water – if I haven’t snacked in over 2-3 hours, there is noticeable difference […]

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Associations between pornography exposure, body image and sexual body image: A systematic review (2020)

Abstract There is evidence for associations between pornography exposure and sexual behaviors of adults and adolescents. Here, we review associations between pornography exposure and body image/sexual body image. Using a systematic search, we found 26 studies meeting inclusion criteria. Compelling evidence shows that frequency of pornography exposure is associated with negatively perceived body image and […]

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Increased confidence & motivation, Better mood, Less stress & anxiety, Appreciation of life

I have finally made it to the iconic 90 day mark. Here are some of the things I noticed have changed on my journey. -Increased confidence -Better mood generally -Better self control -Lots of motivation -More so acting like myself -Less stress and anxiety -Self-acceptance -Music sounds amazing -Appreciation to small things in life -Feel […]

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Age 21 – My penis was absolutely desensitised, didn’t feel much even during a BJ

After a failed first time sex experience after I couldn’t keep my erection and hardly penetrated for 10-15 seconds, I immediately started with nofap after doing some research. My libido sharply increased after my first flatline was over. Then I went into a second flatline which lasted a week to 10 days. Once I came […]

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Age 29 – Had successful sex today, after PIED, extreme stuff, failing post-grad studies and losing girlfriend

Summary Started using porn infrequently in high school (14-15), joined uni when about 18-19 and had access to internet porn and freedom. Spent about 4 years with pmo, then PIED occurred at about 22-23. Used pills (sildenafil and later when cash started running out tadalafil which wasn’t as great) for about 7 years (now 29) […]

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