Severe PIED – 30’s and virgin until few years ago. It’s taken 3 years, needed to eventually eliminate masturbation

Just want to tell my story to give other people hope. I am definitely in the top few percent of people with serious PIED. I am more than thirty years old, and I was a virgin until few years ago. When I had sex first time, or tried to, I could not get a boner […]

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“Anti-porn crusader details legal victory against ‘porn prof’ who tried to use the court to shut him down” (LifeSiteNews)

Gary Wilson was sued by Nicole Prause, who viciously smeared him in an attempt to discredit his ongoing research into how pornography is harmful. He won. (*) August 26, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — For years, the evidence that porn is utterly destructive has been mounting. Pornography has not only been mainstreaming sexual violence, but been spurring […]

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New study shatters the “moral incongruence model of pornography addiction” (2020)

Some of the world’s top behavioral addiction experts have just published a new study “Frequency of use, moral incongruence, and religiosity and their relationships with self‐perceived addiction to pornography, internet use, social networking and online gaming.” Don’t let its long-winded academic title fool you. It powerfully shatters one of the most pernicious myths that pro-porn […]

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