Going porn-free cured my PIED

I just want to make this post so that those with PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction) can feel inspired and hopefully encouraged – you can reverse the effects of PIED with a sustained effort by quitting porn. I started porn free because I was embarrassed that on hookups, it was a coin flip if I […]

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The Addictive Nature of Compulsive Sexual Behaviours and Problematic Online Pornography Consumption: A Review (2020)

New neuroscience-based review covering “Problematic Online Pornography Consumption”. It aligns with addiction model. A few excerpts: Available findings suggest that there are several features of CSBD and POPU that are consistent with characteristics of addiction, and that interventions helpful in targeting behavioural and substance addictions warrant consideration for adaptation and use in supporting individuals with […]

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‘I FELT SUFFOCATED’ I became addicted to porn at 10 years old and it almost ruined my life

By Sophie Donovan for The SUN (UK) WHEN she was just 10-years-old and still at primary school, Courtney Daniella Boateng started watching sex online. Here, the 23-year-old reveals how her addiction consumed her until she finally confronted it four years ago. “Staring at the computer screen, I gasped in shock at the video of a […]

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Age 20 – I feel alive. My senses are coming back. From low grades, I now dominate in class. Girls sense the shift.

I can’t believe it man! I remember 90 days ago when I relapsed. I was angry, emotionless, sad and just drained. I had relapsed so many times and I was tired of life. I went to the toilet, looked myself in the mirror and asked myself purely, “is this all you deserve? Aren’t you stronger […]

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