The Free Speech Coalition allegedly provided porn stars as subjects for a Nicole Prause study she claims will debunk porn addiction

Introduction Nicole Prause is a former academic with a long history of harassing and defaming authors, researchers, therapists, reporters, men in recovery, academic journal editors, multiple organizations, and others who dare to report evidence of harms from internet porn use. She appears to be quite cozy with the pornography industry, as can be seen from […]

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Sexual cues alter working memory performance and brain processing in men with compulsive sexual behavior (2020)

Sinke, C., J. Engel, M. Veit, U. Hartmann, T. Hillemacher, J. Kneer, and T. H. C. Kruger. NeuroImage: Clinical (2020): 102308. Highlights Pornographic pictures affect working memory performance in an n-back task. Patients with compulsive sexual behaviour show slowed reaction times when presented with pornographic distractors. Decrease of performance is related to pornography consumption in […]

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Male sexual disorders: options for psychotherapeutic treatment (2020)

Comments: Review in a urology journal describes excessive porn use as a cause of both erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation. Relevant excerpts: Common factors that can cause secondary erectile dysfunction include recent loss or failures, ageing, illness or surgery, alcohol and substance abuse, relationship problems or infidelity, depression, premature ejaculation (often comorbid with erectile dysfunction), […]

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