Age 15 – Before I found NoFap I didn’t feel any real emotion, and I had no friends, and I hated myself

So, a little backstory here, I discovered masturbation and then eventually orgasm in about 7th grade, and then porn at the end of 8th. I always felt that it was wrong, but it felt too good to give up, and then I was addicted. I am now 15, almost 16, and I found NoFap 8-9 […]

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stop harassment

Numerous Victims of Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting and Malicious Use of Process

Introduction Nicole Prause has shown a consistent and troubling pattern of (1) filing groundless, malicious complaints and lawsuits, and (2) threatening such actions, or publicly claiming that she has filed them, when she has not done so. (Four main pages documenting Prause’s behaviors: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4.) Below is a partial […]

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Age 24 – The attraction thing is real. More energy to get things done. A deeper voice. Less angry, frustrated and depressed.

Hey guys, I just did 45 days and lost my drive and will to continue, I’m still holding on to the past and I have to break that. I’m no giving up now, I dust my boots and continue knowing I having a family I share the same ideals with online. Overall NoFap is a […]

Read More… from Age 24 – The attraction thing is real. More energy to get things done. A deeper voice. Less angry, frustrated and depressed.

Age 21 – 60 days changed my entire life. From family, friends, to encounters with women.

I don’t regret it all. Honestly. I no longer fear talking to women in person. It’s easy and I actually feel inclined to. Conversations are extremely different, It’s almost as if I just say the right things. I can tell you guys all the benefits but you don’t truly believe me until you actually do […]

Read More… from Age 21 – 60 days changed my entire life. From family, friends, to encounters with women.

What Types of Internet Services Make Adolescents Addicted? Correlates of Problematic Internet Use (2020)

Porn use was the most addictive internet application:  “The prevalence of PIU was the highest in the adolescents who used the internet for pornography the most (19.6%), followed by gaming (9.3%) and internet community (8.4%)” “However, the odds ratio for PIU among those who used the internet mostly for pornography was the highest, which implicates […]

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Age 28 – PIED: A month without porn, and for the first time in my sexual history I achieved a rock-hard erection without Viagra

After not being able to get and keep an erection for years now I came across this site and realized that my problem was most likely PIED. I’m not so sure that I was addicted to porn (that’s what all addicts say though probably) because I only masturbated twice a day (sometimes back to back) […]

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Age 33 – The main benefit is much less procrastination. Finished a big home project that I was putting off for several months.

Was a 2-3 times/week fapper, read the materials here and on yourbrainonporn, decided to try this thing. Wasn’t easy, especially in 30-40ish days – crazy cravings, but I got through it and it’s worth it. My results: The main one: much less procrastination. Finished a big home project that I was putting off for several […]

Read More… from Age 33 – The main benefit is much less procrastination. Finished a big home project that I was putting off for several months.