Age 32 – Sexual dysfunctions healed, made love to my girlfriend the way I’ve never made love to her for 9 years

This is my personal experience, and hope it helps others along their path in life and change as a man for the better. I always felt defective or nervous with girls growing up as a teenager, I was fapping hard to porn at that time as well. Little did I know it was the porn […]

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Age 39 – Increased energy, confidence, ability to deal with adversity and discomfort. So helpful in life.

Things are starting to settle in and settle down. The practices that have helped the most are: -Daily meditation. Mindfulness of the breath and body, some mantra, some loving-kindness (metta) meditation. -Posting on Nofap on a regular basis. Most days I’ll post something. It helps to keep the mind motivated and reminded that it’s just […]

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Approach bias for erotic stimuli among heterosexual female college students who use pornography (2020)

COMMENTS: New neuro-psychological study on female porn users reports findings that mirror those seen in substance addiction studies. Approach bias to porn (sensitization) and anhedonia (desensitization) were positively correlated with pornography use. Study also reported: “we also found a significant positive association between erotic approach bias scores and scores on the SHAPS, which quantifies anhedonia. […]

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The Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression: An Application With Adolescent Males (2020)

Study on 10th grade males reports numerous negative outcomes related to violent porn use: ————————————– Huntington, Charlie, Deborah N. Pearlman, and Lindsay Orchowski. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2020): 0886260520915550. Abstract The Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression is a well-established framework for understanding factors that contribute to men’s perpetration of sexual aggression against women, highlighting […]

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