Slate Magazine Joins Illustrious List of Outlets Promoting Porn Industry Propaganda

Slate Magazine amplifies porn-industry-connected disinformation without even acknowledging glaring conflicts of interest in its sole professional informant According to Gallup polling, Americans are near a record low in trust in mainstream media—with only 7% of people in recent polls indicating a “great deal” of trust and confidence in the media (and 27% “a fair amount”)—compared […]

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Age 38 – A helluva ride

My brothers, it´s done . 90 days, no pornography, no masturbation! It´s been a hell of a ride, i´m trying this for almost 2 years now and i finally succeed it . I´m very happy . I learn much in this process and i´ll share with you on the next post my tips to a […]

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DSM-5 wrong way

Should problematic sexual behavior be viewed under the scope of addiction? A systematic review based on DSM-5 substance use disorder criteria

Comment: Important new review suggests that the DSM-5 is wrong-headed not to include ‘porn addiction’ in the diagnostic manual, by whatever term it may select. This is especially true in light of the World Health Organization – ICD-11’s adoption of “Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder” years ago. Addictive Behaviors Reports   Volume 18, December 2023, 100510 […]

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