Woman hugging man

PIED cured, More confident, Appreciate my woman more, Physically healthier, Greater eye contact

Hi, I’ve been following this forum for quite some time reading and educating myself from other people’s experiences, to be honest after I gave up porn, I found myself here every day reading and motivating myself… so here we are in my 5th month about to enter my 6th! I was previously a 10-year addict. […]

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woman and man hugging

I’ve noticed that my PIED has completely gone now and get morning wood like every morning which i didn’t before

I can’t believe I made it! I remember 3 months ago thinking how hard this journey is going to be but these past 90 days just flew by. I was in the midst of not only porn addiction but also alcohol, weed, mdma and an array of other substances numbing my brain. Since I started […]

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sexual aggression research

Studies linking porn use to sexual offending, sexual aggression, and sexual coercion

SECTION #1: Studies linking porn use to sexual offending, sexual aggression, and sexual coercion (listed by date of publication) Facilitating effects of erotica on aggression against women (1978) Rape fantasies as a function of exposure to violent sexual stimuli (1981) Sexual Experiences Survey: A research instrument investigating sexual aggression and victimization (1982) Pornography and Sexual […]

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