Mental health of university male students Viewing internet pornography: A qualitative study (2019)

YBOP COMMENTS: Study reports that porn use is related to psychological issues, social issues, mental illness and aggression. Excerpts below the abstract. ——————————————————————————————– Razzaq, Komal and Rafiq, Muhammad (2019). PDF of Full Study. Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences (PJNS): Vol. 14 : Iss. 4 , Article 7. Abstract This research was carried out to explore […]

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Age 22 – Best year of my life! No surprise NoFap is being defamed. Porn industry’s nasty.

I’m 22 and wasted 6-7 years compulsively pmo’ing (is that how I’d say it?). Forgot completely that this forum existed and so checked in to have a look at what’s going on. While it’s of no surprise the current developments regarding the owner’s defamation (just shows how nasty those in the p industry are), I’m […]

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Age 29 – I went from vanilla stuff to become addicted to transsexual porn, cross-dressing & acting out. But NOW I can say I’m free.

First 30 days free in almost 1 1/2 [years]. Guys I was so confident that I was gonna make it through this I actually wrote this on day 22. Facts! A little background on my addiction Porn for me was an escape from my reality it helped me cope with things I didn’t accept in […]

Read More… from Age 29 – I went from vanilla stuff to become addicted to transsexual porn, cross-dressing & acting out. But NOW I can say I’m free.