Age 21 – I gained power, discovered I was extremely talented in boxing. I believe I can become world champion.

I am 21 years old, I am amateur boxer recently. I started to masturbate from the age of 11 with the thought and I discovered porn at the age of 13. Following this, I quickly fell into depression at the age of 17. I did everything to recover (meditation, good nutrition, personal development ..) but […]

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Age 25 – I think every man should stop doing PMO for at least a month and experience the benefits

I’m now a while into my NoFap journey. My streak is not insanely high or whatever, but NoFap has triggered something in me that actually changed my life. In the spring of 2017 I started NoFap for the first time after discovering a video about it from Seth Alexander in my recommendation list. I had […]

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Children and Youth Services Review

Are adolescents who consume pornography different from those who engaged in online sexual activities? (2020)

New study (ages 14-18). Porn users more likely to be: – boys – introverted – neurotic – less agreeable – less conscientious – narcissistic – low on social intimacy – poorer at emotion regulation ——————————————————— Abstract YanivEfratiab, YairAmichai-Hamburgerb Highlights Solo and partnered sexual activities might be extrapolated to the virtual arena. Adolescents consuming pornography […]

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Age 33 – I suffered through depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, lazy and being the man without any purpose. It took a toll on my marriage

PMO is an invisible addiction. When you take any other drug, it is tangible, and you can feel the substance being inhaled or consume through your body. On the other side, people have been consuming hours of poisonous porn videos through their eyes in their brains. The industry makes you believe that it is not […]

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Age 21 – Confidence extremely high, Got morning wood back about a month in, No more sissy fetish

I have been a member for quite a while now, i just got out of bootcamp and i am basically rebooted now thanks to it, i will share the things i experienced and the things i still am learning and discovering, the answers might not be what you want to hear either…, anyways let the […]

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Now I can be out and about as the proud trans woman. Had social anxiety & fear of public places.

LINK – I legit can’t comprehend my progress. NoFap really works if you work it y’all! by kyliecannoli COMMENT #1: It was alllll kinds of anxiety. But social anxiety was definitely a huuuge one. I was constantly afraid of people clocking me and making fun of me cuz I’m a trans woman. The grocery store […]

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Young people, Pornography & Age-verification: British Board of Film Classification (January, 2020)

61-page PDF of the BBFC Research Report Excerpt from the BBFC page: This research was commissioned by the BBFC to provide context to the current online pornography landscape, as well as explore young people’s interactions with, and attitudes towards, pornography. The method was designed to qualitatively and quantitatively explore what children and parents think about […]

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