Is Porn Addictive? 6-minute video by journalist Diana Davison

6-minute video by journalist Diana Davison, who authored The Post Millennial expose’ on Nicole Prause. The Diana Davison video provided a link to the timeline of events chronicling Prause’s nearly 7-year campaign of harassment, defamation, threats, and false accusations called “VSS Academic War Timeline.” Update – Prause got the timeline removed. Hmm… Related – Victims of […]

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1 Year – I was no one: Now I am top of my class in law school, university representative, secretary student council

One year free. The super power exists, I am proof of it. I started off the year doing meh on uni, but having a 0/10 ranking in social skill and never went out of my room. I was this awkward dude with no deep connection with anyone except my 2 best friends. I only viewed […]

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90 Days – Unbelievable. Depression cured; social anxiety decreased; I notice how beautiful everything is

The last 90 days have changed my life and I still can’t believe how much impact porn and masturbation can have on our lives. I hope I can motivate some people with this post because at the beginning I did not have much hope that this would work for me because I’ve never been a […]

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90 days – I had my first sexual experience since quitting porn, and let me tell you it was wonderful

I’d just like to take a minute to share my story/tips. I’ve been trying to quit on-and-off for 3 years but nothing ever helped. I was a “casual” user (once every other day usually), and it slowly moved into darker and more twisted genres. I was not quitting for religious reasons, but simply because I […]

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