Watching Pornography Rewires the Brain to a More Juvenile State. by Rachel Anne Barr, PhD student, neuroscience, Université Laval

Link to original article Pornography has existed throughout recorded history, transforming with the introduction of each new medium. Hundreds of sexually explicit frescoes and sculptures were found in the Mount Vesuvius ruins of Pompeii. Since the advent of the internet, porn use has skyrocketed to dizzying heights. Pornhub, the world’s largest free porn site, received […]

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Age 17 – I spent hours a day crying and looking for a cure to my depression. Now I’m confident, even cocky, and respected! Better social skills, More attention from females

Benefits are displayed in bold characters below if you want to skip the story. S T O R Y: Monk mode. I’m 17, a Muslim (no religious stuff will be included in this post), Middle Eastern, I discovered masturbation around year 12, but didn’t really become addicted until 13, when soon afterwards, I discovered pornography […]

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The Best Advice To Overcome Porn Addiction – Noah Church (interview by GoldJacketLuke)

Description: I’m honored to have porn addiction coach Noah Church share his 3 best tips to overcome a pornography addiction. He shares some excellent wisdom. Head on over to Noah’s channel to see his interview of me, where we discuss some nuances of porn addiction recovery, nofap, me switching from pranks to more meaningful videos, […]

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Age 28 – Had PIED, varicocele, prostate inflammation, testicular torsion, no wood or spontaneous erections

I did it, 90 days. Ready to answer your questions. Background: 28 y/o, male, heterosexual. Full family (with a period of separation from ages 7 to 12), father with slightly narc inclinations, some amount of abuse (primarily verbal, emotional) from high-school to about age of 25 (until I began to experience episodes of uncontrolled rage […]

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5 ideas after 90 days – Unless you have a ‘why’, you will think ‘why not?’ in your weaker moments

I’ve just passed 90 days pornfree after 12 years of regular pmo. What a relief it is for me to say that. My recovery process doesn’t end here, but I thought it might be worth sharing a few ideas I learnt to get to this point. We’re all in it together, after all! I’ve lost […]

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