College hosts workshop on sex, porn addiction. Psychology professor Marie Damgaard, (2019)

By Kalinowski, Tim on November 26, 2019. Lethbridge Herald [email protected] Sex addiction and porn addiction are becoming growing problems in society as people get exposed to unhealthy online sexual images at a younger and younger age, says Lethbridge College psychology instructor Marie Damgaard. “I am not here to be the police about people’s sexuality,” Damgaard […]

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I really feel like a new person. More comfortable talking with people. More confidence & energy.

Well, first of all I wanna thank God, it hasn’t’ been easy, as many of you know, it’s very hard to deal with all the urges that in this process you come across, but despite those situations I dealt with them, and I am pretty excited about getting this 90 days, I know there’s a […]

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Age 29 – Less anxiety, Finally got a job in my field, Feel more connected to my body, Look people in the eye and speak with authority

I use to think that if I put my guard up and run away, I would be able to avoid problems and being rejected. Now, I see that I must accept rejection, let go, and set myself free in order to be liberated. Once I am liberated, I will be able overcome any problem or […]

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Less social anxiety, Greater confidence, More girls checking me out, Made more friends

After a painful break up with my ex-fiance last year, I got into a self improvement kick. I bought self help books, lost around 30 lbs, dressing better, grooming better and eventually started to feel better about myself. Then, I had my first hook-up opportunity post breakup, and could not maintain an erection. From this […]

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