Age 15 – I feel amazing. I used to not be able to talk to anyone (especially females), but now it’s no problem

I feel amazing. I used to not be able to talk to anyone (especially females), but now it’s no problem. I almost never look down when I’m walking too, I always look up and think how far I’ve gone, and how far I still am going. Urges are practically non-existent and now only appear in […]

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Age 23 – PIED: Stronger erections/morning wood every day, live improvements, quantum physics?

Background: I’m 23, suffered from PIED for roughly 1 year and before discovering NoFap this year I was PMOing almost daily since I was about 12. This week I achieved 50+ days of no PMO and am still going strong. I’ve learned and gained a lot throughout my NoFap journey so far and don’t plan […]

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The Lowdown On Getting Erectile Dysfunction. Men’s Health. Nick Knight, MD, PhD. (2019)

COMMENTS: The counter-narrative to reality was provided by Justin Lehmiller, who’s a bit biased. He’s a regular paid contributor to Playboy Magazine and close ally of Nicole Prause; a member of RealYBOP (a group formed to steal YBOP’s trademark); and on the board of the SHA – the group collaborating with xHamster to promote its […]

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When I’m pornfree, my mind is clearer, I’m less distracted and have more energy to improve my life

I have not been active on the pornfree subreddit for quite some time, but over the past years I have worked on quitting porn for good. I probably learned about nofap in 2012 or something. I have never been pornfree for more than 250 days, but I have had many long periods without porn (and […]

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Age 43 – I used to think addiction was invented, but now I see that the sex industry attacks anyone who disagrees with it

In the past I had assumed that sex addiction was something invented by people who wanted to create a pseudoscientific justification for what they already believed, akin to gay conversion therapy.  The last time I had given it a thought was 2007.  Eventually my porn use escalated until I ended up with direct knowledge of […]

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Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”)

Table of contents covering Porn Science Deniers Alliance engages in unlawful trademark infringement of At long last, the Alliance (RealYBOP experts) openly functions as an agenda-driven collective RealYBOP experts are being compensated by porn industry giant xHamster to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction & sex addiction are myths They […]

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