What I learnt from porn

What I learnt from porn (link to thread)

by drwoning21 days

  1. I learnt that if you don’t have a big dick you shouldn’t be having sex (unless you are Asian).
  2. That women love big dicks and will humiliate you for having a small one
  3. All a woman needs is your penis, she lives for the penis. cunnilingus is a novelty and clitoral stimulation isn’t needed to put her into a mindless state of ecstasy
  4. Women love fellatio. they won’t be satisfied if they don’t do it there is no such thing as intimacy. sex is purely physical and carries o emotions
  5. Everyone cheats.
  6. Women love cum
  7. Sex is fast paced and very acrobatic
  8. A man is only worth the size of his penis
  9. If a woman doesn’t have an orgasm, then the sex was a failure and she’ll leave you

This is all I can remember right now. What did you learn from watching porn?

By Krowg37 days

  1. People will have sex anytime, any place, and with anyone.
  2. STDs don’t exist
  3. Germs don’t exist
  4. Women don’t get pregnant
  5. Infections don’t exist
  6. The only senses I have are hearing and seeing- I can’t smell, taste, or feel anything during sex
  7. The purpose of female breasts is for sex partners to use as toys
  8. There is no such thing as emotion
  9. People don’t have feelings
  10. It’s better to live like a dog than a human
  11. People don’t ever use the bathroom, except for sex
  12. People don’t do anything other than have sex
  13. There can never be problems related to sex
  14. Sex is always great, and there are absolutely no consequences from having sex
  15. Women don’t menstruate
  16. Genitals are the cleanest part of a person’s body
  17. There is no such thing as pubic hair
  18. Prostitution is fun, safe, affordable, and problem-free
  19. All prostitutes are extremely beautiful, STD-free, rich, and super nice. And they have perfect teeth too
  20. The sole hairy part of a woman’s body is her head
  21. Children don’t exist, and if they did, nobody would know where they came from
  22. Having sex in an office is the greatest thing that can happen in life
  23. It’s okay to love just one body part of a person, and nothing else
  24. Bodily fluids taste better than strawberry jam
  25. Sex is not complete without oral sex
  26. Human feces will not make you vomit
  27. When you come home, expect to find your wife in bed with 2 men
  28. People don’t eat food, except during sex
  29. Food is only used as a sex aid
  30. Women enjoy getting semen into their eyes
  31. People can’t shower unless they’re having sex at the same time
  32. Having sex with a married 45-year-old mother is one of the greatest things you can experience in life
  33. People don’t care if they get cheated on
  34. People don’t work
  35. People don’t smell
  36. Nobody has bills to pay
  37. People don’t get offended by racial slurs (if used during sex)
  38. Condoms don’t exist
  39. People love getting abused, and they reward their abusers by having sex with them
  40. Everyone lives in a Hollywood mansion
  41. People only associate with neighbors for sex
  42. People don’t get sick
  43. Beds are only used for sex
  44. Kitchen countertops are only used for sex
  45. Couches are only used for sex
  46. Cars are only used for sex, or to drive somewhere to have sex
  47. People go to cafes solely to find a sex partner
  48. People go grocery shopping solely to find a sex partner
  49. Incest is fun
  50. A mother and daughter having sex with the same man is okay
  51. All women are blonde
  52. Women’s feet always look perfect, and they don’t smell
  53. Women always have perfect manicures and pedicures
  54. “Hot” women don’t have flaws
  55. Women never say stupid things
  56. Women only speak to turn you on – they can never say anything to turn you off
  57. Female lawyers are extremely promiscuous
  58. Female doctors are beautiful, blonde, and willing to have sex with patients. And they don’t know anything about medicine
  59. Female teachers are really prostitutes
  60. Nuns are really prostitutes
  61. Nobody believes in God
  62. Lesbians have sex with men
  63. Every woman is bisexual
  64. No man is bisexual or gay
  65. Nobody gets tired of sex
  66. Nobody calls the cops to make noise complaints
  67. Love really means sex
  68. Nobody has chores to do
  69. Women always look like streetwalkers, even when they crawl out of bed with a hangover
  70. Nobody cooks
  71. Everything in life takes a backseat to sex
  72. It’s more important to have “good” sex then to eat food
  73. Nobody goes to prison, except to have amazing lesbian sex
  74. Nobody masturbates in front of a computer screen, all alone, unless they are an extremely beautiful woman with huge breasts. And then lesbian sex somehow occurs
  75. Nobody is ugly
  76. Nobody has health problems
  77. Everyone’s genitals look pristine
  78. People don’t get hemorrhoids
  79. Porn actresses are not abused human beings
  80. Porn actresses are the happiest people on Earth
  81. We should envy porn actresses
  82. We should replace God with porn actresses
  83. We should pay for porn
  84. We should lament the demise of the porn industry
  85. We should provide free universal healthcare to the porn industry
  86. Porn can never be bad
  87. You can’t think, let alone speak, anything bad about porn
  88. Larry Flynt is a happy person – I wish I were Larry Flynt
  89. Hugh Hefner is not a scumbag
  90. Playboy bunnies are happy, friendly people who can do no wrong – they are better than saints
  91. Religion is evil, porn is good
  92. Families destroy people
  93. It’s better to live like a prostitute than live with your parents
  94. Your parents should have absolutely no problem with your porn use
  95. Your parents should be extremely proud if you become a porn “star”
  96. There’s no such thing as rape
  97. Having sex for money is great
  98. Being paid to have sex is not prostitution, as long as its being filmed
  99. It’s great if you and your parents watch the same porn
  100. It’s wonderful if you have sex with your sister-in-law
  101. It’s even better to have sex with your mother-in-law
  102. It’s best to have sex with your sister-in-law’s 18 year old daughter
  103. 18 year-old female virgins are pros at having sex
  104. Women are always smiling
  105. Women don’t get angry
  106. You can never not enjoy sex
  107. Virginity is a vice
  108. Celibacy is a vice
  109. If you aren’t sexually active, then get sexually active. Until then, masturbate at least 3 times a day
  110. Watching free porn is immoral – you should pay top dollar for porn
  111. Pornographers are good for our society
  112. Pornographers improve American culture
  113. Pornographers pay too much tax
  114. Pornographers don’t have enough control over our lives
  115. Pornographers are victims
  116. Pornographers can never commit any crime
  117. Pornographers are saints
  118. Pornographers should control the government
  119. Porn actresses should all be mothers
  120. Porn actresses would be great mothers
  121. Nurses first look to have sex with patients, and then worry about caring for sick, dying patients
  122. You can avoid a ticket by offering the police officer sex
  123. Waitresses accept sex in lieu of tips
  124. Coffee shop employees have sex with each other in the storage area
  125. Women in bookstores are really looking for sex, not books
  126. Making porn illegal or more difficult to access will be severely harmful to people
  127. If you have anonymous sex, you will be happy
  128. If you don’t have sex within 5 minutes of meeting a woman, you’re a horrible failure in life
  129. It’s impossible to have an erection and decline both sex and masturbation. It’s also unhealthy
  130. Nothing can go wrong during sex
  131. People enjoy shoving objects up their asses
  132. People enjoy putting objects in their mouths, especially after those objects have been in contact with someone else’s genitals
  133. After sex, you immediately have sex again, preferably with a new partner
  134. You can skip work, as long as the cause was anonymous sex
  135. If you don’t have sex with your brother’s wife, there’s something seriously wrong with you
  136. As a man, you can never turn down sex, even if it’s with your own mother
  137. You should French kiss a woman after she performs oral sex on you
  138. You should always perform oral sex on a woman, even if she’s menstruating
  139. You should allow a woman to put her tongue in your asshole, and then you should French kiss her afterwards
  140. You should jump at the opportunity for you and another man to have sex with one woman at the same time
  141. Breasts don’t sag, even on 45-year-old mothers
  142. Everyone enjoys participating in orgies
  143. No one wears underwear
  144. Foreplay takes place within 20 seconds of meeting someone… always
  145. No one wears clothing for more than 3 minutes
  146. Women’s ethnicities can be categorized like flavors of ice cream
  147. Women don’t use tampons
  148. Sex will eliminate all of your personal, financial, social, and mental problems
  149. People have sex in public
  150. Women know exactly what to do during sex to fulfill your wildest fantasy
  151. No communication is required during sex – each person knows exactly what the other person wants
  152. No woman has small breasts
  153. Absolutely nothing about a woman is unattractive
  154. No one’s breath smells
  155. Women don’t get yeast infections – and if they do, they still receive oral sex
  156. No one knows how babies are made
  157. People turn into sex zombies when they’re horny
  158. People have no morals whatsoever
  159. A woman will resist no sexual act
  160. A woman will perform every sexual act to perfection
  161. Every male is circumcised
  162. No one knows how urine exits the body
  163. Women like being called whores
  164. Women like being spit on
  165. Nothing in this world is free, but sex, the greatest thing in the world, is always free and available at all times
  166. Comic book super heroes are really sex maniacs
  167. All politicians are corrupt sex fiends
  168. An 18 year old female virgin somehow knows what the wildest fantasy of a 38 year old drugged up, mentally ill high school drop out is
  169. People always have time for sex
  170. Porn “stars” have high self-esteem
  171. The porn industry is being unfairly targeted
  172. Having sex in church is wonderful
  173. People don’t believe in God, but they still wear crosses and use God’s name during sex
  174. There is no such thing as guilt
  175. People don’t get jealous
  176. If you aren’t promiscuous, you’re a loser
  177. Relationships must be horrendously abusive, but everyone is okay with that
  178. People fall in and out of love in a matter of seconds
  179. People never become attached to one another
  180. If a woman is attractive, she can do no wrong
  181. Everyone loves threesomes
  182. Grandmothers are always ready to have sex with anyone
  183. Interracial sex is very common
  184. Black men are sex slaves to white women
  185. Black women are super-horny sex fiends
  186. Latina women don’t have sex with Latino men
  187. Asian women don’t have sex with Asian men
  188. Former porn “stars” deserve special treatment when changing careers
  189. Order a pizza, not for the pizza, but for the sex
  190. The more attractive a woman, the better she will be at sex
  191. “Hot” women taste and smell the best … literally. And they are agreeable, completely selfless, and very easy to along with
  192. In the middle of a tennis match, the players will strip down and have sex with each other
  193. Women love wearing 3+ inch heels, especially during sex
  194. If porn websites warn visitors that porn is for adults only, then it’s impossible for children to watch porn
  195. If a child watches porn, blame the parents
  196. Porn was found in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii – therefore, porn is a good thing
  197. Pompeii had many religious temples – religion is evil
  198. Porn is holy
  199. If you haven’t had sex in a hot tub, you haven’t lived
  200. If you’re against porn, you’re against freedom
  201. Online porn improves America’s standing in the world, especially amongst Muslims
  202. Any government that blocks porn websites is a repressive dictatorship
  203. Paying mentally ill people to have sex on film is good for all parties
  204. If you have sex with Tom’s wife, Tom won’t mind
  205. If Tom is having sex with your wife, offer him your daughter as well
  206. You should have sex with the person who delivers your mail
  207. The next time you get a FedEx delivery while your wife is home, make sure you have a threesome
  208. Women love sweaty scrotums more than chocolate
  209. Love = cheating = threesomes = 69 = true love = sex with your neighbor’s mother and sister, at the same time
  210. If you haven’t lost your virginity by age 14, go see a prostitute
  211. Porn actresses don’t have boogers… and if they did, they’d never ever eat their own boogers
  212. The earlier you lose your virginity, the happier youll be. You’ll feel better about yourself, and will realize that sex = love