(Note: This is an Google tranlate of a German article)
Mick Van Loon, monkey news editor, 9-25-14
Erectile dysfunction no longer appear to be mainly a problem. Of over-40s In recent years there has been evolution: one in four men who wrestle with are younger. Plus: 54 percent of sexually active boys aged between 16 and 21 say they sometimes have an “issue” in the act. The cause could PIED or Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction be.
For four years, there are several studies on the reasons for this. There are two reasons for that – pardon the pun – remain the same: drugs plus other pills on the one hand and watching porn on the other.
Drugs must be widely seen. It would also be a little crazy to say that formerly young men did not use drugs. Only they use other drugs. MDMA but especially cocaine are subject to regular use and over time bad for your sex life shows. But also a number of prescription drugs, including the youngest generation antidepressants do any good.
and porn
The second link that scientists and doctors explain is porn. It is important to know that we are dealing with studies that do not dwell on the morality of watching porn, but purely went measure what porn does look with your brains and what impact it has on you.

The evidence
There are three major findings. First, there is indeed a correlation between the amount of time you spend watching porn and function of what the reward circuitry in your brains hot and that dopamine is released in your body.
Two: the more and more often men look at porn, the less dopamine is released. Or you’ve ever greater incentives.
Three: After a while, this can even provide a reduced link between your prefrontal cortex and ventral tegmental area, or VTA you (the part of your brains where dopamine is produced in practice means that a diminished control over your impulses..
Porn appears to do if alcohol or drugs. Same with your brain From about 60 brain studies meanwhile shows that the effect is reversed when subjects stopped watching pornography.
There is in other words, enough scientific evidence to the existence of PIED or porn induced confirm. Erectile dysfunction In practice it means that the more men look at porn, the greater the incentives should be to get an erection. And who watches a lot of porn, the more difficult without porn to get an erection.
Internet porn is worse
The Internet, where men are still 20 percent of their time spend watching porn (it comes from 35% ten years ago), that works more in the hand than other porn channels.Because it is simply easier to quickly find them. Additional incentives Therefore, it makes it even more addictive according to scientists.
The result is that more and more young men have difficulties when they have their laptop without sex.