Research Highlight: Porn Consumption & Extramarital Sex Attitudes (podcast)

In this episode Lily highlights a longitudinal study which finds that pornography consumption can lead to more positive attitudes towards extramarital sex (ie. being married and thinking it’s okay to have sex with someone other than your spouse). This longitudinal study explicitly tests whether the causal direction runs from porn consumption –> the attitudes or from the attitudes –> porn consumption, and finds strong evidence for the former.

If you have not already listened to these past 2 research highlight episodes, she highly recommends you do so first, as they will provide you with important background knowledge for understanding this study:

1) Dr. Paul Wright on Overcontrolling for 3rd Variables 2) Dr. Paul Wright on Selective Exposure vs. Sexual Socialization

If you enjoy the Questioning Pornography podcast, please consider supporting her on Patreon to help her cover the costs of producing these episodes.