My personal panic button

Hi guys,

I’m not sure if this will be useful for you or not but it’s what I’m going to turn to when I’m feeling the temptations, so here goes. I guess it’s a sort of inner dialogue that I have with myself.

~ Rules:

If you can read to the end of this and still want to fap then go ahead. If at any time you feel the urge has subsided then feel free to stop and continue on with your life. If it comes back then you must start again from the beginning.


  1. Take your fucking hand out of your pants right now. Touch yourself again before reading all of this and you’re a fucking failure.
  2. Get rid of that big mofo down below. Hold your breath, flex your quads, whatever its takes.
  3. Play your favourite song.
  4. Take 10 deep breaths and relax, then repeat after me 10 times:

“I do not edge, I do not masturbate, I do not watch porn. I am stronger than this. I WILL ABSTAIN FROM PMO.”

Now that you’re thinking clearly, keep the following in mind. You can stop whenever you think you’re ready.

Your brain will try to rationalise anything to get what it wants. ANYTHING. This isn’t you, your brain wants dopamine. You are more than that though, you are more than chemicals and hormones, you are mind over matter. Prove you have the self control, prove your better than this.

If you give up, you’re giving up everything. The ADHD, procrastination, depression and social anxiety will return.

You’re giving up your chances with that girl you like, your increased energy levels, your deeper voice, your confidence, your work ethic, your habits, your willpower, your clear skin, your self respect, your appreciation of life, your happiness.

Life’s too short. I don’t know whether or not there is an afterlife, nobody truly does. I really hope there is but I don’t think I believe personally. I envy those with so much faith. Assuming there isn’t, just think about what that means. Consider the facts, the earth is 4 billion odd years old, and you’ll probably exist for less than 100 years. You were nothing, non-existent for an eternity before you were born, and when you die you will return to that non existent state for another eternity. If that doesn’t motivate you to go out there and life every day like it was your last I don’t know what will. Make the most of your life, you don’t have very long. Please watch this:

If you fap you’re just becoming numb, non-existent. Why on earth would you waste another second PMOing when you could be out experiencing life, connecting with the ones you love, learning, travelling, bettering yourself, building something meaningful, living your life.

I know it’s not easy,.. actually fuck it, it IS easy you’ve got to stop looking for excuses and just make that conscious decision to not fap. When you take a step back and look at your motivations to do NoFap it’s simple.

Now close this, go out there and experience life.

Still reading? Start again from the start.

Still want to fap?

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. If you truly want to throw away your life for a quick dopamine rush and a lifetime of regret, be my guest. You’re pathetic.

Prove to me otherwise.


My personal panic button
byu/ThyShallNotFap inNoFap