No more DE

Your Brain on Porn

[January, 2023]

60 days ago started my reboot. Addicted to PMO for 13 years. Had weak erections and DE and used not to enjoy sex. Would wank almost daily.

The books that changed my life was Power Over Pornography by Brian Brandenburg and Your Brain on Porn by Gary Wilson .

I’m more confident can talk to any girl, enjoy sex and feel nice. Even a kiss makes me feel good, no more DE. Have very Strong erections. No longer looking at girls like sex objects. Focused on my body goals.

I’m Happy and more determined. Surprising part is that I don’t even really have cravings for porn. But at the same time, I know an addiction is an addiction. It’s possible to relapse but I’ll continue to fight . P did me a lot of bad. I wasted a lot of Time and opportunities.

I choose to quit porn because I want to live a real, happy Life and get away from all those bad effects porn does to a man.

Stay away from p and all its substitutes. Go the gym. Eventually everything gets back to normal.

[August, 2023]

Guys: I later became jobless, moved to a different City away from my girlfriend, in certain of when I would get a job. I relapsed in P and M.

Just had sex. Serious delayed Ejaculation to a point of no orgasm on third round. Yet we would fuck like 6 rounds and have orgasms. Almost no sensitivity in the second round, erection is moderate I should say.

From today I fight again. My major causes of relapse

*Losing my job
*Different location from girlfriend
*Sports injury that kept me out of the game for long
*Believing that I’ll heal again like I healed before
*Excessive social media time, tik tok , Twitter, Facebook, Telegram (worst)
*Anxiety of when I’ll get a job and my account running low


*Try again hard mode no PMO
*get off social media for some Time
*Read books, motivational instead of stupid TikTok videos that fry the dopamine reward center
*Follow my journey here ounce again.

[Later in August]

No more urges.  Got a fairly good job. Starting to work next month. Will be with my girlfriend.

Gonna to minimize compulsive use of my phone and social media. Have urges to install back Twitter.
No urges to watch p and m. [Will] try and become more active in sports and start gyming.

[Later in August] Now with my girlfriend again, in the same location, with my same job with slightly higher pay, the same girl that helped me to go 100 days without PMO

I’m thrilled and have no urges. I get hard erections but they ain’t so consistent in the morning. More focused and determined to conquer this vice again.

[Next day] Had most amazing sex with my girlfriend who helped me get a 4-month clean record of no P n M. Had the strongest erection ever and was massive. Sensitivity is back and enjoyed the moment. No delayed Ejaculation.

[Day 31]

Successfully completed my one month without watching p or even M. Surprisingly I don’t and haven’t had urges. I think I’m still in flat line because my morning wood ain’t so strong and regular. But I’m more social than ever

Porn is an evil that has taken away so much from me and I’ll continue to fight it with the energy I have.

[Day 65 – October, 2023]

Two complete full months, no PMO, no urges to watch, no urges to M, almost unaware that I’m an addict.

I’m more lively, confident and more productive. I can talk to any girl at my work place and interact with them. I’m really proud of myself. Had sex over the weekend. 3 rounds with hard core erections and reached orgasms and enjoyed every second of the sex. My morning wood is very consistent and I have more muscle.

I thank everyone here for the support and I’ll continue to fight. I’ll not lose my guard. Last time I relapsed after three months because I became over-confident. This time I choose not to. I choose to live a loving good life free from imprisonment of porn.

By: Brandenburg

Source: No more DE