Internet Addiction, Hikikomori Syndrome, and the Prodromal Phase of Psychosis (2016)

Front Psychiatry. 2016; 7: 6. Published online 2016 Mar 3. doi:  10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00006 PMCID: PMC4776119 Emmanuel Stip,1,2,* Alexis Thibault,1 Alexis Beauchamp-Chatel,1 and Steve Kisely3,4,5 Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ► Go to: Abstract Computers, video games, and technological devices are part of young people’s everyday lives. Hikikomori is a Japanese word […]

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Brain study reveals how teens learn differently than adults (2016)

[Comment: Would teens show greater reward response in the case of social and sexual rewards perhaps?] Scientists have uncovered a unique feature of the adolescent brain that enriches teens’ ability to learn and form memories: the coordinated activity of two distinct brain regions. This observation, which stands in contrast to the adult brain, may be […]

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Prevalence of problematic internet use in Slovenia (2016)

Zdr Varst. 2016 May 10;55(3):202-211. eCollection 2016. Macur M1, Király O2, Maraz A3, Nagygyörgy K3, Demetrovics Z2. Abstract BACKGROUND: Internet use is an integral part of our everyday activities; however, Internet use may become problematic and harmful in a minority of cases. The majority of reported prevalence rates of problematic Internet use refer to adolescent […]

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Effects of craving behavioral intervention on neural substrates of cue-induced craving in Internet gaming disorder (2016)

Jin-Tao Zhanga, b, Yuan-Wei Yaoa, Marc N. Potenzac, d, Cui-Cui Xiae, Jing Lanf, Lu Liuf, Ling-Jiao Wanga, Ben Liua, Shan-Shan Maa, Xiao-Yi Fangf, ,  Show more Highlights • IGD subjects showed altered cue-induced neural activation in reward-related areas. • IGD subjects alleviated IGD symptoms after CBI. • IGD subjects showed higher insular activation after […]

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Internet Addiction and Relationships with Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Stress and Self-Esteem in University Students: A Cross-Sectional Designed Study (2016)

PLoS One. 2016 Sep 12;11(9):e0161126. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161126. eCollection 2016. Younes F1,2, Halawi G1,2, Jabbour H3,4, El Osta N5,6,7, Karam L1,8, Hajj A1,2, Rabbaa Khabbaz L1,2. Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Internet addiction (IA) could be a major concern in university medical students aiming to develop into health professionals. The implications of this addiction as well as […]

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Integrating psychological and neurobiological considerations regarding the development and maintenance of specific Internet-use disorders: An Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution (I-PACE) model (2016)

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews Available online 30 August 2016. Review article. LINK TO FULL STUDY Matthias Branda, b, , , Kimberly Youngc, Christian Laiera, Klaus Wölflingd, Marc N. Potenzae, f, g Highlights Internet-use disorders involve interactions of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution. Affect and cognition mediate Internet-use-disorder processes. Executive and affective features interact in Internet-use-disorder processes. Conditioning processes impact […]

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Animation of teen brain development

[youtube][/youtube] Nodes and Edges: Adolescent consolidation of the hubs of the human brain connectome Nodes of the adolescent brain’s structural network coloured by how much they change between 14 and 24 years of age. The size of the nodes represent how well connected they are and halfway through the movie the smallest nodes are removed […]

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Studies linking porn use to “un-egalitarian attitudes” toward women

Update: Pornography, sexual orientation and ambivalent sexism in young adults in Spain (2024) Large sample of 2,346 people aged 18–35 years old. Men who consumed pornography had higher median values of [Hostile Sexism] than those who did not. Mean values of [Benevolent Sexism] were observed to be lower for both women [β(95%CI):-2.16(-2.99;-1.32)] and men [β(95%CI):-4.30(-5.75;-2.86)] who […]

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How the proliferation of porn is ruining men’s love lives. By Angela Gregory, Lead for Psychosexual Therapy, Chandos Clinic, Nottingham U. Secretary British Society of Sexual Medicine (2016)

Some people don’t believe in porn addiction, but I’ve seen its effects first hand. By Angela Gregory August 19, 2016 (link to original article) There is an increase in men (and sometimes women) who recognise that their sexualised internet use is out of control, says NHS sexual and relationship psychotherapist Angela Gregory For the past […]

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