“What Happens When Children Watch Porn”, by Addiction.com

Today’s high-intensity, no-holds-barred Internet porn has sex addiction therapists scrambling to stay current, and some are noting a curious trend. In the past, individuals suffering from porn addiction nearly always reported a history of trauma. That is, the porn-addicted client stumbled onto porn at some point and found that it soothed anxiety and other emotional […]

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Low empathy is associated with problematic use of the Internet: Empirical evidence from China and Germany (2015)

Asian J Psychiatr. 2015 Jul 6. pii: S1876-2018(15)00158-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2015.06.019. Melchers M1, Li M2, Chen Y2, Zhang W2, Montag C3. Abstract As empathy has not been investigated in the context of problematic use of the Internet, we conducted a study to test for a potential link. In samples from China (N=438) and Germany (N=202), two […]

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Non veni, vici.

I was never a habitual PMOer (I never even really masturbated until I was very late in high school and even then it was very rare) but fell into a bit of a habit due to general human weakness. It was happening a few times a month, and at its worst once or twice a […]

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Social isolation rearing increases nucleus accumbens dopamine and norepinephrine responses to acute ethanol in adulthood (2014)

Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014 Nov;38(11):2770-9. doi: 10.1111/acer.12555. Karkhanis AN1, Locke JL, McCool BA, Weiner JL, Jones SR. Abstract BACKGROUND: Early-life stress is associated with increased vulnerability to alcohol addiction. However, the neural substrates linking chronic childhood/adolescent stress and increased risk of alcohol addiction are not well understood. In the nucleus accumbens (NAc), dopamine (DA) […]

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The Internet Process Addiction Test: Screening for Addictions to Processes Facilitated by the Internet (2015)

Behav Sci (Basel). 2015 Jul 28;5(3):341-352. Northrup JC1, Lapierre C2, Kirk J3, Rae C4. Abstract The Internet Process Addiction Test (IPAT) was created to screen for potential addictive behaviors that could be facilitated by the internet. The IPAT was created with the mindset that the term “Internet addiction” is structurally problematic, as the Internet is […]

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Characteristics of Social Network Gamers: Results of an Online Survey (2015)

Front Psychiatry. 2015 Jul 8;6:69. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00069. eCollection 2015. Geisel O1, Panneck P1, Stickel A1, Schneider M1, Müller CA1. Abstract Current research on Internet addiction (IA) reported moderate to high prevalence rates of IA and comorbid psychiatric symptoms in users of social networking sites (SNS) and online role-playing games. The aim of this study was […]

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Considering Alternative Explanations for the Associations Among Childhood Adversity, Childhood Abuse, and Adult Sexual Orientation: Reply to Bailey and Bailey (2013) and Rind (2013)

Arch Sex Behav. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 Jan 1. Published in final edited form as: Arch Sex Behav. 2014 Jan; 43(1): 191–196. doi:  10.1007/s10508-013-0239-1 PMCID: PMC3951775 NIHMSID: NIHMS551723 Andrea L. Roberts, M. Maria Glymour, and Karestan C. Koenen Author information ► Copyright and License information ► The publisher’s final edited version of this […]

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Increased Functional Connectivity between Prefrontal Cortex and Reward System in Pathological Gambling (2013)

Saskia Koehler , Smadar Ovadia-Caro, Elke van der Meer, Arno Villringer, Andreas Heinz, Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth , Daniel S. Margulies Published: December 19, 2013 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084565 Correction 21 Jul 2015: The PLOS ONE Staff (2015) Correction: Increased Functional Connectivity between Prefrontal Cortex and Reward System in Pathological Gambling. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0134179. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134179 View correction […]

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What Is the Attraction? Pornography Use Motives in Relation to Bystander Intervention (2015)

J Interpers Violence. 2015 Jul 24. pii: 0886260515596538. [Epub ahead of print] Foubert JD1, Bridges AJ2. Abstract Use of pornography is common among adolescents and young adults, with most men and a growing number of women viewing regularly. A vast body of research suggests pornography use is associated with multiple attitudinal and behavioral variables. One […]

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The somatic marker theory in the context of addiction: contributions to understanding development and maintenance (2015)

Authors Olsen VV, Lugo RG, Sütterlin S Published Date July 2015 Volume 2015:8 Pages 187—200 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S68695 Received 2 March 2015, Accepted 7 April 2015, Published 6 July 2015 Approved for publication by Dr Igor Elman Vegard V Olsen,1 Ricardo G Lugo,1 Stefan Sütterlin1,2 1Section of Psychology, Lillehammer University College, Lillehammer, 2Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, […]

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