Young Porn Users Need Longer To Recover Their Mojo

Is streaming porn, delivered via tube-sites, rewiring adolescent sexuality? Around 2006-07, when guys first showed up at our website with chronic porn-related sexual performance problems, they generally recovered after about two months of no porn, masturbation or porn fantasy, and a minimum of orgasm. Most were computer wizards who had acquired high-speed Internet porn ahead […]

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Are Sexual Tastes Immutable? (2012)

Update: Studies Finding Escalation (and Habituation) in Porn Users YBOP FAQ: Is my fetish porn-induced? It’s time to distinguish ‘sexual orientation’ from reversible ‘sexual tastes’ “The bulk of scientific evidence currently favors the view that the origins for most sexual desires are not cultural but innate.” —Leon F. Seltzer Such statements mislead people that all […]

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Executive Functioning of Sexually Compulsive and Non-Sexually Compulsive Men Before and After Watching an Erotic Video (2017)

COMMENTS: Most of the subjects appear to be  sex addicts, not “porn addicts”: Older, male, all in treatment, higher % of gay/bisexual, etc. The study assessed executive functioning at baseline, and again at least 6 months later, right after the subjects viewed a porn film of their choice. Results: At baseline, controls and sex addicts […]

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Men’s Sexual Life and Repeated Exposure to Pornography. A New Issue? (2015)

Source: Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy / Revista de PSIHOterapie Experientiala. Dec 2015, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p40-45. 6p. Author(s): Cotigă, Alin C.; Dumitrache, Sorina D. Abstract: Introduction: The effects of pornography consumption among men are revealed by both hundreds of internet testimonies and specialists who deal with such effects. This topic raises strong questions and […]

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