The Prevalence of Food Addiction as Assessed by the Yale Food Addiction Scale: A Systematic Review (2014)

Nutrients. 2014 Oct 21;6(10):4552-4590. Kirrilly M. Pursey 1, Peter Stanwell 2, Ashley N. Gearhardt 3, Clare E. Collins 1 and Tracy L. Burrows 1,* 1 School of Health Sciences, Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia; E-Mails: [email protected] (K.M.P.); [email protected] (C.E.C.) 2 School of Health Sciences, Priority […]

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Irrational Choice under Uncertainty Correlates with Lower Striatal D2/3 Receptor Binding in Rats (2012)

  Paul J. Cocker1, Katherine Dinelle2, Rick Kornelson2, Vesna Sossi2,3, and Catharine A. Winstanley1 Author contributions: V.S. and C.A.W. designed research; P.J.C., K.D., and R.K. performed research; P.J.C., K.D., and C.A.W. analyzed data; P.J.C. and C.A.W. wrote the paper. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31 October 2012, 32(44): 15450-15457; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0626-12.2012 Next Section Abstract Individual differences […]

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Back to the future: The organizational-activational hypothesis adapted to puberty and adolescence (2009)

Horm Behav. 2009 May;55(5):597-604. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2009.03.010. Schulz KM1, Molenda-Figueira HA, Sisk CL. 1Department of Psychiatry and Developmental Psychobiology Program, University of Colorado, Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA. [email protected] Abstract Phoenix, Goy, Gerall, and Young first proposed in 1959 the organizational-activational hypothesis of hormone-driven sex differences in brain and behavior. The original hypothesis […]

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Effects of dietary glycemic index on brain regions related to reward and craving in men (2013)

Am J Clin Nutr. Sep 2013; 98(3): 641–647. Published online Jun 26, 2013. doi:  10.3945/ajcn.113.064113 PMCID: PMC3743729 Belinda S Lennerz, David C Alsop, Laura M Holsen, Emily Stern, Rafael Rojas, Cara B Ebbeling, Jill M Goldstein, and David S Ludwig Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ► This article has been […]

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Burnet Institute studies shed light on sexual behaviour of Australian teenagers (2014)

In the first-ever Australian study of its kind, Burnet researchers have surveyed the correlation between adolescents’ pornography viewing habits and sexual behaviour. The study to be presented by Burnet’s Co-Head of Sexual Health Research, Dr Megan Lim, at the Australasian Sexual Health Conference in Sydney, found that young people who consume pornography from a young […]

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Non-substance addictive behaviors in the context of DSM-5 (2014)

Marc N. Potenza DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.09.004 Keywords – Gambling; Internet use; Video-gaming; Eating/Food; Sex; Shopping The term addiction holds significance for patients, clinicians, researchers, policy makers and many other groups of people. Thus, how the term addiction is used (and to whom it may apply) has been debated. The term “addiction” originated in Roman times and […]

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Overexpression of DeltaFosB in nucleus accumbens mimics the protective addiction phenotype, but not the protective depression phenotype of environmental enrichment (2014)

Front Behav Neurosci. 2014; 8: 297. Published online Aug 29, 2014. doi:  10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00297 PMCID: PMC4148937 Yafang Zhang,1 Elizabeth J. Crofton,1 Dingge Li,1 Mary Kay Lobo,2 Xiuzhen Fan,1 Eric J. Nestler,3 and Thomas A. Green1,* Abstract Environmental enrichment produces protective addiction and depression phenotypes in rats. ΔFosB is a transcription factor that regulates reward in the […]

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Greater corticolimbic activation to high-calorie food cues after eating in obese vs. normal-weight adults (2012)

Appetite. 2012 Feb;58(1):303-12. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2011.10.014. Dimitropoulos A1, Tkach J, Ho A, Kennedy J. Abstract The goal of this research is to identify the neural response to rewarding food cues before and after eating in overweight/obese (OB) and normal-weight (NW) adults. Based on the previous literature, we expected greater differential activation to food cues vs. objects […]

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