Striatocortical Pathway Dysfunction in Addiction And Obesity: Differences and Similarities (2013) Nora Volkow

Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 Jan 1. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol. 2013 Jan; 48(1): 1–19. Published online 2012 Nov 23. doi:  10.3109/10409238.2012.735642 PMCID: PMC3557663 NIHMSID: NIHMS411086 Dardo Tomasi*,1 and Nora D. Volkow1,2 Abstract Neuroimaging techniques are starting to reveal significant overlap in the brain circuitry underlying addiction and […]

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65,000+ Reddit users flock to forum founded by atheist to quit pornography, masturbation

July 12, 2013 ( by John Jalsevac) – They’re called “fapstronauts”: men and women who, for whatever reason, have signed up to take the “ultimate challenge” and conquer the urge to masturbate (“fap” in Internet slang) and/or use porn, whether it be for a certain, set period of time, or permanently. And joining their ranks […]

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Unpublished Porn Study by SPAN Lab Finds Porn Is Arousing (March, 2013)

YBOP COMMENTS: Below are (1) David Ley’s original Psychology Today blog post about a Nicole Prause yet to be published EEG study, and, (2) Gary Wilson’s Psychology Today blog post responding to it (published March 7th, 2013). Under Wilson’s post are the comments as they originally appeared, including an exchange between Wilson and Prause. (Ley’s […]

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Entrevista Con Andrés Lomeña Cantos (Spain)

Read interview in English ANDRÉS LOMEÑA: Algunos problemas sexuales como la disfunción eréctil no responden a motivos psicológicos, sino físicos. El incremento brutal en el consumo de porno habría modificado sensiblemente nuestras respuestas cerebrales al placer. ¿Cómo llegó a esas conclusiones? GARY WILSON: Es evidente que la disfunción eréctil existe, así que también existen las […]

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Cybersex addiction: Experienced sexual arousal when watching pornography and not real-life sexual contacts makes the difference (2013)

COMMENTS: Wow – an actual study about Internet porn addiction. Study found cue-induced cravings, similar to drug addicts, predicted porn addiction. Contrary to popular belief, unsatisfying sexual life had no correlation to porn addiction. Supporting the gratification hypothesis means addiction-like behaviors in response to ones chosen addiction. Laier, C., Pawlikowski, M., Pekal, J., Schulte, F. […]

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Watching Pornographic Pictures on the Internet: Role of Sexual Arousal Ratings and Psychological-Psychiatric Symptoms for Using Internet Sex Sites Excessively (2011)

COMMENTS: Very few objective, controlled studies have been done on Internet pornography. Important findings in this study are that neither time spent viewing porn on the Internet nor personality factors were associated the level of reported problems with Internet porn use (IAT sex score). Instead, it was intensity of the experience and amount of novelty […]

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Internet Addiction Studies With Excerpts About Porn Use

EXCERPTS FROM SELECTED STUDIES ON INTERNET PORN USE Predicting Compulsive Internet Use: It’s All About Sex! (2006) Meerkerk GJ, Van Den Eijnden RJ, Garretsen HF. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2006 Feb;9(1):95-103. The objective of this research was to assess the predictive power of various Internet applications on the development of compulsive Internet use (CIU). The study has […]

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Sex: Excessive pornographic exposure can screw you in the sack (Daily Emerald)

She was on the cover of a glossy magazine he’d found while playing in the neighborhood with his friends. “Playboy,” he read. Little did he know, “Playboy” Magazine would be the beginning of Gabe’s excessive consumption of pornography. In middle school, he would stay up watching late-night music videos on MTV and BET and softcore […]

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Prevalence and risk factors of Internet addiction in high school students (2013)

Eur J Public Health. 2013 May 30. Sasmaz T, Oner S, Kurt AO, Yapici G, Yazici AE, Bugdayci R, Sis M. Source 1 Department of Public Health, Mersin University School of Medicine, Turkey. Abstract AIM: In this study, the prevalence and risk factors of Internet addiction in high school students was investigated. Material and Method: […]

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(l) Teen Smartphone ‘Addicts’ Also Have Other Ills (2013)

Teen Smartphone ‘Addicts’ Also Have Other Ills By John Gever, Deputy Managing Editor, MedPage Today   Published: May 22, 2013 Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Action Points Note that this study was published as an abstract and presented at a conference. These data and conclusions should be […]

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