Porn and DSM-5: Are Sexual Politics At Play? (2012)

UPDATES: Porn/sex addiction? This page lists 55 neuroscience-based studies (MRI, fMRI, EEG, neuropsychological, hormonal). They provide strong support for the addiction model as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance addiction studies. The real experts’ opinions on porn/sex addiction? This list contains 30 recent literature reviews & commentaries by some of the top neuroscientists […]

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Dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex in addiction: neuroimaging findings and clinical implications (2011)

FULL STUDY Rita Z. Goldstein1 & Nora D. Volkow Nature Reviews Neuroscience 12, 652-669 (November 2011) | doi:10.1038/nrn3119   Abstract The loss of control over drug intake that occurs in addiction was initially believed to result from disruption of subcortical reward circuits. However, imaging studies in addictive behaviours have identified a key involvement of the […]

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The Porn Debate

In essence all YBOP’s articles can be classified as debate for the existence of Internet porn addiction and porn-induced problems. However, the following articles were written as a response to Psychology Today blog posts, questionable studies or as updates on the relevant advances in addiction medicine. Also see – Questionable & Misleading Studies Gary Wilson […]

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How can we bring the problem of porn addiction into the mainstream? (2012)

  Ex-porn user outlines the challenge of explaining porn’s genuine risks As the hard, cold physical reality of Internet porn addiction grips more viewers, and they struggle through the distress of withdrawal, they are asking why the mechanics and risks of Internet porn addiction aren’t more evident in mainstream advice. Below, I reproduce the insights […]

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Effects of a manualized short-term treatment of internet and computer game addiction (STICA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2012)

FULL STUDY Trials. 2012 Apr 27;13(1):43. Jager S, Muller KW, Ruckes C, Wittig T, Batra A, Musalek M, Mann K, Wolfling K, Beutel ME.   ABSTRACT BACKGROUND:  In the last few years, excessive internet use and computer gaming have increased dramatically. Salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, conflict, and relapse have been defined as diagnostic […]

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