What about masturbation without porn?

Not sure how to masturbate without porn? Ask anyone over 40! Remember: your ancestors didn’t have the internet. Therefore they didn’t fall into the trap of conditioning their sexual template to everything associated with their porn use, such voyeurism, multiple tabs, HD streaming hardcore, searching/seeking, endless novelty. It can also include porn-induced fetishes, strange acts, […]

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6 months – ED: It is nice to actually get aroused by little things

Recovery from porn addictionIt took me multiple attempts (and I learned from each attempt) but I have now been masturbation and porn free for six months.

The first step (I know this is cliché) is recognizing you have a problem- knowing that your chronic masturbation to porn has adversely affected your life and relationships. I could write a book on how much better my life is now.


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Effects of Porn on the User

Effects of Porn on the User. For many, the decision to quit porn is fueled by unwanted side-effects. This section touches on a few common issues, and what users have done to restore balance. Some of these consequences, such as erectile dysfunction, usually show up after years of use. Other consequences, such as escalation into […]

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Intoxicating Behaviors: 300 Vaginas = A Lot of Dopamine (2010)

Has the porn industry gotcha? Updates: This page lists 52 neuroscience-based studies (MRI, fMRI, EEG, neuropsychological, hormonal). All provide strong support for the addiction model as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance addiction studies. The real experts’ opinions on porn/sex addiction? This list contains 27 recent neuroscience-based literature reviews & commentaries by […]

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Porn On The Brain (2010) by Marnia Robinson

Would we be happier without online pornography?

A few years ago, men from all over the world began arriving in my website’s forum complaining that they were unable to stop using Internet porn. Google had sent them—perhaps because my site shares information about the effects of sex on the brain. My site, however, is about relationships, not recovery. Yet their obvious distress, and porn’s impact on their relationships, motivated me to welcome them. As I listen, these visitors support each other in the struggle to leave porn behind.


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